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Royal Dragon Husband Chapters 381-390 (Born to be a Dragon) (Chinese Translated)

Chapter: 381

"You think too much, my hatred with Liu Shaobo is not enough to kill him." Chen Feng smiled, although Liu Shaobo said a lot of foul language in the hall, which greatly affected Xia Mengyao's reputation , But it really made Chen Feng kill Liu Shaobo, and Chen Feng couldn't do it either.

But at least the lesson is for Liu Shaobo.

"Brother Feng, do you want to..." Li Le couldn't help but glance at Chen Feng in confusion.

"What I think, you will know if you send me to a place." Chen Feng said.

"Okay." After hesitating for a while, Li Le finally nodded, and Chen Feng asked him to drop off the car, which meant that Chen Feng could trust him! If not, he would not even let him see such things.

So at this moment, he must not disappoint Chen Feng's trust.

After throwing Liu Shaobo into the trunk, Chen Feng and Li Le got into the car.

Half an hour later, the car stopped outside an abandoned factory.

If Peng Qingfeng were here, he would definitely recognize that this is where they were going to ambush Chen Feng last night.

"Brother Feng, what are you doing here?"

Perhaps due to the long-abandonment, the entire factory looked desolate, and even had an inexplicable gloomy feeling, and Li Le was not afraid.

"You'll know when you enter." Chen Feng smiled deeply, and then took Liu Shaobo, who was like a dead body, into the factory with one hand.

Although puzzled, Li Le nodded and followed Chen Feng's footsteps.

Two minutes later, the two of them came to a small lake. They said it was a small lake. It would be more appropriate to say that it was a larger reservoir, because the area of ​​the entire lake was less than 200 square meters.

If it hadn't been for a warning sign indicating the danger of fast water depth, most people would never associate this water area with the lake.

"Brother Feng, what are you doing here?" Li Le was a little confused. The lake in front of him didn't seem to be surprising. If it were to kill and throw the corpse, I am afraid that the corpse will be thrown down today and it will float the next day. Come.

Chen Feng didn't answer Li Le's question, but smiled at Li Le and said, "Go and get those nylon ropes in the trunk."


Li Le nodded, then turned and left.

Chen Feng smiled and moved his gaze to an old willow tree by the lake.

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This old willow tree is rooted where the lake water meets the ground, so half of its branches hang on the ground and half on the lake surface. The half of the branches hammered on the lake surface is not far from the lake surface.

A minute later, Li Le hugged a ball of nylon rope and trot over panting.

"Brother Feng, the nylon rope is here."

"Yeah." Chen Feng nodded, glanced at Liu Shaobo on the ground, and said, "Tie him up."

"Tie him up?"

Li Le was taken aback, and then he did.

In the process of tying, perhaps because Li Le tried too hard, Liu Shaobo was awakened.

After Liu Shaobo woke up, there was a touch of confusion in his eyes, and then he saw the situation clearly. When he found himself in an abandoned factory, not far away from a lake, Liu Shaobo was instantly terrified, and his whole body began to tremble. .

He thought of eight words, killing and throwing corpses, destroying corpses!

"Forgiveness, forgiveness, brother... No, grandpa, forgiveness, grandpa!" Liu Shaobo suddenly burst into tears and begged for mercy, his voice called miserable.

Li Le glanced at Chen Feng with some embarrassment. Now, Chen Feng's various actions do not seem to let Liu Shaobo go.

Chen Feng will not really kill Liu Shaobo, will he?

"Do you know that you are afraid?" Chen Feng walked to Liu Shaobo and gave Liu Shaobo a blank expression.

"I know, I know, grandpa, I know I'm afraid." In the face of life and death, Liu Shaobo gave up all his dignity, completely just like a dog wandering his tail.

"Do you know that you are afraid?" Chen Feng raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "Now that I know I am afraid, I am afraid it is a bit late!" Is it

too late?

Liu Shaobo trembled again, and hurriedly shook his head in tears: "Grandpa, it's not too late, it's not too late."

"Grandpa, give me a chance. I won't dare anymore. Grandpa, I can give you a lot of money." , Ten million, not one hundred million!"

"As long as you can let me go, grandpa, let me do anything."

Liu Shaobo's wagging begging made Li Le's mood very complicated. He never thought that one day, Liu Shaobo would be aloof He would show such a humble look in front of him.

It turns out that these wealthy people, when facing death, are more afraid than poor people like themselves.

"Relax, I won't kill you." Chen Feng shook his head. From start to finish, he didn't intend to kill Liu Shaobo. The only thing he wanted to do was to leave Liu Shaobo with a lesson he would never forget.

"Don't kill me?" Liu Shaobo was taken aback, and then he was grateful: "Thank you grandpa, thank you grandpa, thank you grandpa for not killing

me ." "Don't rush to thank me, wait for you to survive from them, thank you again I'm not too late." Chen Feng raised the corner of his mouth, revealing a smile that made Liu Shaobo fearful.

"Grandpa, what do you mean by...?" Liu Shaobo squeezed a smile on his face that was uglier than crying. He didn't understand what Chen Feng was talking about.

"You'll know right away." Chen Feng smiled, walked to Liu Shaobo, lifted Liu Shaobo with one hand, and then walked to the old willow tree by the lake.

Li Le was confused, what exactly did Chen Feng do? Should Liu Shaobo be tied to the old willow tree?

In the next second, Chen Feng confirmed Li Le's guess.

He did tie Liu Shaobo to the branch of the old willow tree near the lake, making Liu Shaobo only three meters away from the lake.

After tying Liu Shaobo, Chen Feng did not leave the tree for the first time. Instead, he glanced at the bottom of the lake, as if waiting for something.

Li Le by the lake was even more confused.

What exactly does Chen Feng want to do?

"Brother Feng, you..." Li Le was about to ask, but just halfway through the question, his pupils suddenly tightened, and the whole person's heart was mentioned in his throat for a moment.

If someone looked at Li Le's pupils at this moment, he would see a very frightening scene.

In Li Le's pupils, there was a crocodile nearly one meter long!

The body was covered with scales, the blood basin was wide open, and the sharp teeth exuded a hideous chill.

There is no doubt that the target of this ferocious tortoise and crocodile is Chen Feng and Liu Shaobo in the willow tree.

"Brother Feng, be careful!" Li Le almost roared out these words. At this moment, he had no time to think about why crocodiles appeared in this small lake. His only thought was that Chen Feng should not die.

After Li Le yelled these words, Chen Feng didn't respond, instead a faint smile was raised at the corner of his mouth.

Chapter: 382

But Liu Shaobo, who was hanging in the air, was not as calm as Chen Feng.

He had already felt something wrong with the surface of the water under his body. Before Li Le called to be careful, he had already moved his eyes to the surface of the water.

One can imagine what he will see the moment the crocodile emerges from the water.

There is no doubt that Liu Shaobo was scared to pee.

When he saw that blood basin bite at him, Liu Shaobo's whole soul flew away in an instant.

He even smelled the stench in the crocodile's mouth!


Liu Shaobo let out a stern scream, and then the whole person began to wander in mid-air, trying to avoid the lethal mouth of the tortoise and alligator.


the upper jaw and lower jaw of the tortoise and alligator bite together heavily, but they only bite into the air and did not touch Liu Shaobo.

Although there was no missing piece of meat on his body, this bite directly scared Liu Shaobo into peeing his pants.

You can clearly see that Liu Shaobo's crotch is wet.

At the same time, there was a smell of urine, which permeated the space.

Chen Feng glanced at Liu Shaobo disgustingly, then jumped down from the willow tree and returned to the ground.

But the crocodile in the water meant Liu Shaobo, who didn't dislike Liu Shaobo at all.

He kept leaping high from the surface of the water, and then bit down on Liu Shaobo's ass.

Although the difference was only half a centimeter each time, the crocodile obviously didn't mean to give up. The more miserable Liu Shaobo's howling, the more persevering the crocodile became.

This scene immediately showed Li Le by the lake.

Now he finally understands why Chen Feng brought Liu Shaobo here.

"Help! Grandpa!"

"Grandpa! I'm dying! Help me!"

Liu Shaobo shook his body desperately, avoiding the bite of the crocodile's mouth, and begged Chen Feng for mercy.

But Chen Feng by the lake didn't mean to save Liu Shaobo at all, instead he smiled happily.

After being sent here by the capped man last night, he found the small lake next to the factory and the crocodile hiding in the small lake.

At that time, although Chen Feng was wondering why there were crocodiles in this place, he didn't think much about it, just left a little thought.

Unexpectedly, the mindfulness left yesterday will be used today.

Is there any way that can be more torturing than letting people walk on the edge of life and death?

There is no doubt that this is the method in front of you!

At this time, Liu Shaobo was only a thread away from death.

If he gives up struggling, the crocodile in the lake will be able to bite him.

If he doesn't give up, he can only fight against the crocodile to see who will last longer.

Chen Feng believes that this lesson will definitely make Liu Shaobo remember for life.

More terrible than death is that life is better than death!

"Brother Feng, your trick... is terrific!" Li Le swallowed, already wondering what to say about Chen Feng.

He didn't know how bitter Chen Feng and Liu Shaobo were, and wanted to torture Liu Shaobo like this.

But he knew that Chen Feng's goal had been achieved.

Liu Shaobo now is definitely more uncomfortable than death.

In just one minute, Liu Shaobo's crotch was full of shit and urine, and he was obviously frightened by the crocodile thrashing beneath him.

"I care about your mother!"

"I'm fucking your eighteenth generation ancestor!"

After seeing the hopeless begging for mercy, Liu Shaobo began to yell at him. Until now, he didn't know Chen Feng's name, let alone where he had offended Chen Feng.

All he knew was that after getting into the same elevator as Chen Feng, Chen Feng inexplicably acted on him and brought him to such a place to torture him.

Liu Shaobo also wanted to give up the struggle, but when he thought of giving up the struggle, he was torn to pieces by the crocodile and swallowed it bit by bit.

This method of death was too horrible, he couldn't accept it at all.

Chen Feng did not mind Liu Shaobo's abuse.

Liu Shaobo was also interesting, and after a few curses, he knew that Chen Feng was completely unaffected by him.

So Liu Shaobo changed his strategy again, begging Chen Feng for mercy in a low voice, and persuading Chen Feng not to do stupid things.

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Chen Feng didn't feel much about the remaining routines he played before.

"Let's go." Chen Feng smiled and glanced at Li Le.

"Go?" Li Le was taken aback: "Brother Feng, what about Liu Shaobo after we leave?"

"Let him fend for himself."

Chen Feng's answer made Li Le a little speechless. Li Le said: "Brother Feng, didn't you say that before? Don't you kill Liu Shaobo?"

"I said not to kill him, but I didn't say not to let the crocodile kill him. He died in the crocodile's belly. It has nothing to do with me." Chen Feng shrugged.

Li Le was dumbfounded, can this happen?

"Okay, let's go, Liu Shaobo won't die."

Chen Feng smiled slightly and took the lead. Before tying Liu Shaobo, he had calculated the approximate jump distance of the crocodile.

In fact, even if Liu Shaobo did not hide, he would not be killed by a crocodile.

But out of psychological hint, or fear, Liu Shaobo always felt that if he didn't hide, he would inevitably be killed by a crocodile, so he flopped desperately there, showing his ugliness and making a lot of arrogance.

I don't know how he would react when he found out that his flop was in vain after such a flop.

Of course, Chen Feng is not a god. When Liu Shaobo is fighting with the crocodile, it is very likely that the rope will fall off, or the crocodile will suddenly break out and jump higher than expected.

If this happens, Chen Feng can only say that Liu Shaobo is unlucky, and he is destined to avoid this disaster.

After seeing Chen Feng really leaving without looking back, Liu Shaobo suddenly became desperate.

He began to hiss and curse with exhaustion, all kinds of terrible curses popped out of his mouth.

But at this moment, only the crocodile in the lake can hear his curses.

The harder Liu Shaobo scolded, the higher the crocodile in the lake jumped.

A few minutes later, Liu Shaobo finally lost his strength, and his whole person entered a state of paralysis.

The crocodile in the lake obviously has more power.

Looking at Liu Shaobo who had stopped resisting, there was a touch of excitement in the crocodile's gloomy eyes, and it jumped high again and bit down towards Liu Shaobo's ass.

There was a

crisp bite sound, Liu Shaobo couldn't stop shaking, but after waiting for a long time, he couldn't feel the tearing sensation under him.

Could it be...

Liu Shaobo suddenly thought of a possibility, his eyes suddenly widened, and his whole body was almost exploded in anger.

The crocodile in the lake couldn't bite him at all!

Everything is caused by his fear!


Liu Shaobo suddenly laughed miserably, tears coming out of his laughter.

Kill the heart!

The real murder and condemnation!

From the beginning, Chen Feng had never thought of killing him.

What Chen Feng did was to destroy his inner defenses step by step, making him fearful.

He scared himself out of poop!

He scared himself out of ugliness!

Chapter: 383

Chen Feng did not know what Liu Shaobo thought.

Chen Feng has returned to Kangmei Group at this time.

As soon as he arrived at the door of the company, Chen Feng saw seven or eight Mercedes-Benz S600s with Shanghai brand parked downstairs.

At the gate of the company, there are more than 20 big men in black suits and headsets, looking around with a walkie-talkie with a solemn expression.

Chen Feng's eyes narrowed, and a subtle glow flashed past his eyes.

There is no doubt that these people are sent by Liu Shaobo's Lao Yuanqing.

I have to say that Liu Yuanqing's reaction was very fast. From Liu Shaobo's disappearance to the present, Liu Yuanqing has gathered such a large group of forces to investigate the company in just over an hour.

"Brother Feng, now...what should I do now?" Li Le's nervous voice trembled a little, and only felt that his brain was empty. He had grown up so big and had never seen such a battle before, the bulletproof Mercedes-Benz S600. Walkie-talkie, big man in black suit... it's just like making a movie.

"Back to the company." Chen Feng said lightly.

"?! Back to the company," Lee eyes widened, some confusion looked Chen Feng one: "Peak brother, who apparently came to our, our company at the moment, would not Yangruhukou it?" "That's

What do you mean?" Chen Feng smiled and glanced at Li Le.

"Brother Feng, let's run away." Li Le swallowed. The only way he could think of was to run away. After all, it was Liu Yuanqing who was offended by the billionaire Liu Yuanqing!

The famous rich man on the domestic Forbes ranking list!

Chen Feng shook his head: "Where can I go when I run? It's such a big place in China. It couldn't be easier for Liu Yuanqing to find someone."

"Besides, it's okay if you don't run. If you really run," Instead, the Liu family will suspect you."

Li Le's expression became depressed, and Chen Feng was right. Indeed, considering Liu Yuanqing's forces, it couldn't be easier to investigate a person, and at this time, running away was a real crime.

"Go back to the company, no matter what they ask you, you only need to answer three words, I don't know." Chen Feng smiled and patted Li Le on the shoulder. In fact, he was not worried at all. The Liu family would investigate him and Li Le.

The only person who saw him was Liu Shaobo.

Fang Ya was stunned by the palm of his hand when he didn't even have a chance to look back at him. As for surveillance...

He is a magnificent warrior. Isn't it easy to break and avoid surveillance?

As Chen Feng thought, the twenty-odd professionals sent by Liu Yuanqing are not at all confused now. They can only be like ants on a hot pot, rushing around, but they can't find any entry point.

Fang Ya, the only person who had been in contact with Liu Shaobo, fainted as soon as he entered the elevator. The elevator monitoring was also violently damaged and nothing was recorded. As for other places, Liu Shaobo’s traces were completely invisible, as if Liu Shaobo disappeared out of thin air. general.

When Chen Feng and Li Le entered the company, two big men in black suits came out and questioned them. With Chen Feng blocking the gun in front, Li Le was surprisingly calm, and the whole process was consistent.

In the end, the two naturally joined the company.

"Brother Zhao, Dong Liu called again and asked if we found any clues. How should we get back?" A gentle man with glasses asked with a mobile phone. Standing in front of him was a black suit. A middle-aged man with a face with Chinese characters.

The middle-aged man with the Chinese character face sighed, and looked at the young gentleman helplessly: "Tell Dong Liu that we were not able to deal with this case. We took Liu Shao’s people away. The method of committing the crime was very clever, and there was no clue at all. I doubt it. ......"

"He is a warrior." The Guozi face paused in the middle age, and finally said his own guess. Except for the warrior, he would not have thought that anyone else could have this method.

Hearing the word warrior, the pupils of the young gentleman couldn't help but shrink. Since the warrior is involved, it is not something they can handle and must be handed over to the Wumeng.

Soon, the gentleman called Liu Yuanqing.

Liu Yuanqing's response was also very simple, with only three words: "Withdraw." A

few minutes later, seven or eight Mercedes-Benz S600s lined up and left Kangmei.

"Brother Feng, they are gone."

Li Le came to Chen Feng with some excitement and whispered.

When he only went upstairs, Chen Feng told him that these people would leave Kangmei in less than half an hour. He didn't believe him at the time, thinking that Chen Feng was talking nonsense. After all, these people hadn't found anything, so why would they leave like this?

But a few minutes later, reality slapped him severely.

The menacing Liu family mercenaries really left like this.

Chen Feng smiled slightly and said nothing.

He had anticipated all of this a long time ago, and before he packed Liu Shaobo, he had thought out a strategy.

Guide the Liu family to think in the direction of warriors, not Kangmei Group.

Of course, Liu Yuanqing didn't even think that the one who took his son would be a chemical fighter, and this chemical fighter is still a small employee in the sales department of Kangmei Group.

As long as Liu Yuanqing thinks about the martial artist, there are many targets that can be doubted. Chen Feng doesn't believe it. Liu Yuanqing has been in business for so many years and has not offended a few people and established a few enemies.

As long as there is an enemy, it will be a normal thing for the enemy to send warriors to take Liu Yuanqing's son.

Chen Feng originally thought that there would be no mistakes in all this, but at night, Qin Xuerou called over.

"Chen Feng, where is Liu Shaobo?" Qin Xuerou was straight to the point on the phone.

Chen Feng frowned: "What are you talking about? What Liu Shaobo? I don't understand."

"Chen Feng, do you have a meaning with me here? Others don't know you are in Kangmei Group, and I still know you are in Kangmei Group?" Qin Xuerou asked grimly.

Chen Feng suddenly became speechless, how could he forget Qin Xuerou's crop.

"Chen Feng, I advise you to put Liu Shaobo as soon as possible, Liu Yuanqing has now been almost crazy, he even found the Yanjing Wu AU headquarters there, and soon the military alliance headquarters will send someone to the sea to find the whereabouts of Liu Shaobo."

"Let They look for it. If they can find it, I’ll lose.” Chen Feng said lazily and forced him to kick Liu Shaobo into the lake to feed the crocodile. Liu Shaobo was found in the crocodile belly.

"Chen Feng, I didn't joke with you." Qin Xuerou was a little angry, "Liu Shaobo is the only descendant of Liu Yuanqing. If he dies, Liu Yuanqing will be dead. A person who is no one can do anything crazy."

"Yes ." , You did this thing seamlessly. You successfully picked Xia Mengyao and Kangmei Group from Liu Shaobo’s disappearance and let them clear all suspicions."

"But have you ever thought about what kind of character Liu Yuanqing is? ?"

Chapter: 384

"What character?" Chen Feng narrowed his eyes, exuding a dangerous breath all over.

"Unscrupulous, lawless!" Qin Xuerou said solemnly.

"He started from a small gangster, and he has been in his current position."

"For someone like him, evidence is sometimes not important! He only pays attention to results!"

"If Liu Shaobo really died, he would kill. All suspects will be buried with Liu Shaobo!"

"Even if Xia Mengyao has no suspicions, Xia Mengyao must die!"

"Because Liu Shaobo disappeared to see her."

Chen Feng's heart trembled , and Qin Xuerou said these words. It is not impossible that if Liu Yuanqing is really the kind of unreasonable person, Liu Shaobo will die, Liu Yuanbo will indeed anger Xia Mengyao.

"Chen Feng, I warn you, don't think about killing Liu Yuanqing, there are other people behind Liu Yuanqing, this person is not something you can afford, even if it's your Chen family, against the people behind Liu Yuanqing You have to weigh and weigh.” As if afraid that Chen Feng would also kill Liu Yuanqing, Qin Xuerou hurriedly reminded that if Liu Shaobo was killed, there was still room for maneuver. If Chen Feng killed Liu Yuanqing, it would be true. The pierced the sky.

"Don't worry, I'm not that bloodthirsty." Chen Feng shook his head and said, what does Qin Xuerou take him for, is he a murderer? Even if it was Liu Shaobo, he didn't kill him, let alone Liu Yuanqing, but he did not expect Liu Yuanqing's background.

Even the Chen family must be jealous...

These words are enough to explain everything.

In the entire China, there are not many families that can make the Chen family jealous. To be precise, there should be only five, and they are called the six families!

"Liu Shaobo is not dead, and I can spare him, but after I spare him this time, how can you assure me that he will continue to harass Mengyao in the future?" Chen Feng asked, squinting his eyes. Everything is done to eliminate hidden dangers for Xia Mengyao. If Liu Shaobo is released and Liu Shaobo continues to harass Xia Mengyao, it means that he has done nothing.

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So he must get Qin Xuerou's guarantee.

"Chen Feng...I will warn him." Qin Xuerou paused.

"Speaking of this matter, I am also responsible. When Xia Mengyao came to Zhonghai, I promised you that no one could threaten her safety, but Liu Shaobo...I was indeed negligent."

"Here, I apologize to you."

"No need, just apologize. You just need to promise that I will release Liu Shaobo this time and Liu Shaobo can control his dog's paws." Chen Feng said, he didn't mean to blame Qin Xuerou, because In this matter, Qin Xuerou also had her difficulties.

In Kangmei Group, Liu Yuanqing is the largest shareholder, and Qin Xuerou is only one of the many shareholders. She can control only the branch of Kangmei Group in China Shipping, Liu Shaobo, which is beyond her control.

"Okay, I can assure you that you will hand over Liu Shaobo to me." Qin Xueju said.

"By the way, does Liu Shaobo know your relationship with Xia Mengyao?" Qin Xuerou asked again. If Liu Shaobo didn't know the relationship between Chen Feng and Xia Mengyao, she could figure out a way to remove Chen Feng from this matter. Liu Yuanqing has offended many enemies over the years, and Liu Shaobo’s charges can be charged to any enemy casually.

"I don't know, he doesn't know anything." Chen Feng smiled. Before he took the initiative to teach Liu Shaobo, he thought that he would take Xia Mengyao out of this matter, so he didn't reveal any information at all, Liu Shaobo's only Only his face can be remembered.

Even if you want to find him, it is difficult to reach the sky.

"That's good, I will find a way to remove you from this matter." Qin Xuerou breathed a sigh of relief. If Liu Shaobo knew that it was the relationship between Chen Feng and Xia Mengyao, then this matter might be difficult to handle.

Even if Liu Yuanqing knew that Chen Feng was the heir of the Chen family, he would find a way to bite out meat on Chen Feng.

Chen Feng smiled and sent Qin Xuerou the position of Liu Shaobo.

Qin Xuerou's movements were very fast, and it took less than twenty minutes to take people to the abandoned factory.

After seeing Liu Shaobo, Qin Xuerou's mouth twitched suddenly.

She really couldn't connect the young man in front of her with the stench of excrement and urine with the self-proclaimed and suave Liu family.

What did Chen Feng do to Liu Shaobo in just two hours?

Can Liu Shaobo become such a person, a ghost or a ghost?

Qin Xuerou ordered someone to rescue Liu Shaobo and was about to ask a few words about Liu Shaobo's previous experience.

But he found that Liu Shaobo at this time was as frustrated and mad, only giggling, no matter what he asked, Liu Shaobo couldn't tell, he just grinned.

Qin Xuerou helped her forehead and sighed, yes, now there is no need to think about how to threaten Liu Shaobo so that Liu Shaobo should stop looking for Xia Mengyao, because Liu Shaobo has been tortured crazy by Chen Feng.

In this state, if Liu Shaobo still wants to harass Xia Mengyao, it can only be said that he really loves Xia Mengyao, and Qin Xuerou has nothing to say.

"Dong Liu, I found your son." After finishing some thoughts, Qin Xuerou called Liu Yuanqing.

"My son..." Liu Yuanqing's voice trembled at first, and then calmed down: "Thank President Qin, dare to ask President Qin, how is my son now?"

"Shaobo is still alive, but he is in his current state. It feels a little unstable." Qin Xuerou's words are very tactful, she is afraid that Liu Shaobo will not be able to bear it directly by saying that Liu Shaobo has lost her heart.

"Just stay alive, just stay alive."

"Thanks again to Mr. Qin. Another day, Yuanqing will bring a gift to visit Mr. Qin. Mr. Xie Qin will save my son, Shaobo." On the other end of the phone, Liu Yuanqing said loudly, regarding Liu Shaobo's status. The question and how Qin Xuerou discovered Liu Shaobo did not mention a word, as if she didn't care at all.

"Dong Liu is polite, it's all a family." Qin Xuerou smiled politely, but she was a little worried. This is the cunning aspect of Liu Yuanqing, an old fox. He didn't mention Liu Shaobo's status or how she was. The discovery of Liu Shaobo does not mean that he is not curious about these.

It was that he had already made his own judgment on these things. He didn't want to listen to what Qin Xuerou said. He didn't want to be misled by Qin Xuerou.

Maybe he listed Qin Xuerou as the number one suspected target at the moment.

This is where Qin Xuerou really has a headache. When dealing with old foxes like Liu Yuanqing, Liu Yuanqing doesn't eat at all in a normal way.

This kind of old fox doesn't believe in heaven, and sometimes, he doesn't even believe what he sees, he only believes what he judges.

Chapter: 385

"Mr. Xia, the members of the Liu family have already left."

Fang Ya was finally relieved when he saw Liu's Mercedes-Benz team leave. At the same time, she prayed that Liu Shaobo's man would be taken away. It would be better for Liu Shaobo not to come back in this life. .

"Fang Ya, did you really see the appearance of the person who entered the elevator with you?" Xia Mengyao couldn't help but ask. After hearing Liu Shaobo was about to come up, she originally planned to ask Qin Xuerou for help, but she didn't expect that behind Something like that will happen.

Liu Shaobo disappeared from the company out of thin air. She had only seen this incredible thing in Chen Feng.

But will Chen Feng do this thing?

"Mr. Xia, that person attacked me behind my back. I didn't even have a chance to look back, so I was knocked out by him. How could I see exactly what he looked like." Fang Ya smiled bitterly, she could understand In Xia Mengyao's current mood, no matter what reason that person took Liu Shaobo away, that person helped Xia Mengyao get out of the siege, and it was only natural that Xia Mengyao wanted to know that person's information.

"Yeah." Xia Mengyao nodded absent-mindedly. In her mind, there was always a feeling that Chen Feng was always by her side and Chen Feng had never left her.

But she also understood that the possibility of this feeling being true was very slim. Not surprisingly, Chen Feng should be in Cangzhou now, not Zhonghai.

"Mr. Xia, your mother just called you again. She said she will come over tomorrow. Look..." Fang Ya glanced at Xia Mengyao with an inquiring look. Since Xia Mengyao became president, he received the most daily The call is not from the company's partner, but from Lin Lan. Lin Lan makes dozens of calls almost every day to ask where Xia Mengyao is.

"Let her come over tomorrow." When Lin Lan was mentioned, Xia Mengyao had a headache. Lin Lan didn't know that she came to Zhonghai as the president of Kangmei Group. What she told Lin Lan was that she was coming this time China Shipping intends to find a job in China Shipping and take a break.

But now, Lin Lan obviously began to doubt her, otherwise she would not call her every day to ask her where she was, and now she would go to Zhonghai to see her in person.

When Lin Lan arrives in Zhonghai, she will be the president of Kangmei Group, I am afraid that Lin Lan will not be able to hide it.

At night, Chen Feng received a call.

Xiao Wei called.

"Brother Feng, are you free tonight?" Xiao Wei on the other end of the phone had a cheerful tone and was obviously in a good mood.

"Yes, what's the matter?"

"Hehe, there is a little fairy who is going to perform on stage at night, I want you to come and have a look." Xiao Wei smiled.

Chen Feng smiled openly: "Little fairy? Are you talking about yourself?"

"Well, my face is not so thick, okay? The little fairy I am talking about is Wanqiu."

"Tonight is the 100th anniversary of the establishment of Zhonghai University. For the school celebration, Wan Qiu’s participation in the dance Seven Fairies Xia Fan was selected as the finale show. This is the first time Xiao Nizi has been on stage and performing in front of so many people. I am afraid she will be nervous then, as Wan Qiu’s boyfriend 'Don’t you just come to cheer for Wanqiu?” Xiao Wei joked. After returning from the Hongye Club last time, she and Lin Wanqiu became veritable best friends. As best friends, the first thing Xiao Wei needs to understand is Lin Wanqiu. Relationship status.

To understand Lin Wanqiu's relationship status, Chen Feng cannot be avoided.

But every time I asked about the relationship between Lin Wanqiu and Chen Feng, Lin Wanqiu blushed and said that Chen Feng was her brother, not her boyfriend.

Xiao Wei naturally didn't believe this.

Whether Chen Feng liked Lin Wanqiu, Xiao Wei didn't know.

But Xiao Wei knew that Lin Wanqiu must like Chen Feng.

Because every time I mentioned Chen Feng, Lin Wanqiu's face would be very red.

This time on stage, Lin Wanqiu would definitely invite Chen Feng to come over. But half an hour ago, Xiao Wei asked if Lin Wanqiu had invited Chen Feng, but Lin Wanqiu blushed and shook her head.

At that time Xiao Wei was speechless. There is no doubt that Lin Wanqiu was timid and guilty, for fear that others would know her relationship with Chen Feng.

As Lin Wanqiu's best friend, Xiao Wei could not sit back and watch this happen.

So he took advantage of Lin Wanqiu to leave and called Chen Feng.

"When is Wanqiu's show?" Chen Feng paused and asked, Xiao Wei obviously misunderstood his relationship with Lin Wanqiu, but there is no way to explain this kind of thing. If you explain it, it will only become darker and darker. He and Lin Wanqiu know each other in their hearts.

"At seven o'clock, you'd better come in advance, come over late, you won't see Wanqiu." Xiao Wei smiled.

"Okay." Chen Feng hung up the phone with a wry smile, then took a look at the time and found that it was almost six o'clock. If Lin Wanqiu's show was at seven o'clock, then he had to go by now.

The new car was driven by Li Le to install a driving recorder, and Chen Feng could only drive Li Le's second-hand Santana.

Although this Santana is second-hand, Li Le has always been well maintained, and it feels very comfortable to drive.

At this moment, the backstage of the auditorium of China Overseas University.

As soon as Xiao Wei hung up the phone, a peerless figure dressed in a white dress and light makeup appeared in front of everyone.

The moment the figure appeared, all the staff and students in the backstage could not help but stop breathing.


So beautiful!

In everyone's mind, a poem emerged at this moment, there are beautiful women in the north, and they are independent from the world, look at the city of Qingren, and then the country of Qingren!

Lin Wanqiu in front of me is truly a country and a city!

A white skirt wrapped her exquisite body in a patchwork fashion. The elegant makeup perfectly showed her pure face.

Bright eyes and white teeth, skin looks like fat.

All the words that describe beauty can be used on her right now.

She just stood there quietly, and all the eyes of the audience would automatically gather towards her.

She is like a night pearl, destined to shine on the audience!

Xiao Wei was the first to recover from the shock. Today's Lin Wanqiu, the light is too dazzling, even her school girl is somewhat overshadowed in front of Lin Wanqiu.


Xiao Wei ." Seeing Xiao Wei staring at herself blankly, Lin Wanqiu couldn't help feeling a little shy.

"Wanqiu, you are so beautiful today. If someone sees you later, their eyes will fall off." Xiao Wei grinned and walked to Lin Wanqiu.

"Someone?" Lin Wanqiu glanced at Xiao Wei suspiciously. What did Xiao Wei mean by someone?

"I was wrong, it was not someone, it was the livestock from the school." Xiao Wei hurriedly changed her words as if she realized that she had missed her words. She wanted to give Lin Wanqiu a surprise. If Lin Wanqiu knew it now, Chen Feng I'll come over in a while and talk about surprises.

Chapter: 386

"Wanqiu, you are very beautiful today. This dress suits your temperament." Xiao Wei wanted to whisper a few words to Lin Wanqiu. At this moment, a tall young man in a white suit walked over.

This young man is tall, handsome, looks similar to a popular custard niche, and exudes a warm breath.

"Thank you." Lin Wanqiu responded politely, and then turned her gaze back to Xiao Wei.

With such an unsalty or indifferent look, she immediately gritted her teeth angrily to the young girl in the arena, what kind of attire? What is there to pretend?

The cursive white Wen Li of China Overseas University took the initiative to say hello to you, but you only responded with a thank you? Did you pretend like that?

Seeing the envy and jealous eyes of many girls around, Xiao Wei couldn't help being a little disdainful. Others didn't understand Lin Wanqiu. She still knew Lin Wanqiu. Lin Wanqiu would not pretend to be interested in you at all.

Perhaps the white Wen Li in front of him, in the eyes of most girls, is a well-deserved Prince Charming, the lover of his dreams.

But here in Lin Wanqiu, Bai Wenli is no different from a passerby.

Don't like it, just don't like it.

Although Lin Wanqiu's response was indifferent, Bai Wenli seemed completely unaware of it. After a few words with Lin Wanqiu with a smile, he turned and left.

As soon as Bai Wenli walked on his front foot, a few handsome young people walked up behind him, using various crappy reasons to talk to Lin Wanqiu.

These boys are all influential figures in various colleges and outstanding among students.

Either the family is amazing, or the ability is outstanding.

On weekdays, they have no shortage of people to pursue, all of them are people with a higher eye.

But seeing Lin Wanqiu tonight, their horizons were never higher.

Everyone's hearts were captured by Lin Wanqiu.

Surrounded by a group of boys, Lin Wanqiu felt a little uncomfortable.

At this time, Xiao Wei smiled and stood up and relieved: "Hey, hey, don't surround Wanqiu. If you surround Wanqiu like this, Wanqiu's boyfriend will be jealous."

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"Wanqiu has a boyfriend?! "

Xiao Wei's news, like a blockbuster, detonated the audience, and the faces of a few students who had accosted suddenly turned green.

If someone has a boyfriend, what kind of diligence are you doing here?

Lin Wanqiu was also taken aback when she heard Xiao Wei say this, but even after reacting, Xiao Wei said this to help herself.

"Yes, Wanqiu has a boyfriend, and her boyfriend will come here soon." Xiao Wei smiled and pulled Lin Wanqiu out of the crowd.

"Xiao Mai, School Girl Wanqiu has a boyfriend, why don't I know?"

"Yes, I have never seen School Girl Wanqiu's boyfriend come to school."

"Xiao Mai, you are not lying to us. "

Several unconvinced boys started booing.

"I didn't lie to you, you'll know right away." Xiao Wei said, and now that it's not enough to surprise Lin Wanqiu, if you can't solve Lin Wanqiu's suitors, everything is useless.

Hearing what Xiao Wei said, although several boys were not convinced, they didn't say anything, but in their heart they were thinking of what Xiao Wei said about Wanqiu's boyfriend. If the other party is capable, they can give up Lin Wanqiu.

But if the other party is an ordinary person, don't blame them for grabbing love!

"Sister Xiaoyu, it's not good for you to lie to them like that, they will trouble you for a while." Lin Wanqiu gave Xiaoyu a worried look. In order to relieve her, Xiaoyu told a lie, and these people want to see you later. Without the so-called boyfriend, they might spread their anger on Xiao Wei.

"I didn't lie to them, your boyfriend will definitely come over soon." Xiao Wei gave Lin Wanqiu a sly look.

Lin Wanqiu was taken aback: "Sister Xiaoyu, you won't..."

"Xiaoyu, Wanqiu's boyfriend you mentioned is the man who picked up Wanqiu last time." Lin Wanqiu was about to ask Xiaoyu if she was right. I called Chen Feng, but at this moment, Wang Yanan came over. Behind her were five or six tall women in stage costumes and heavy makeup.

"Does it have anything to do with you?!" Seeing Wang Yanan, Xiao Wei's face suddenly became cold. It was Wang Yanan who kidnapped Lin Wanqiu to the Hongye Club last time. If it weren't for Chen Feng and Shi Pojun to save people later, Lin Wanqiu might have been successful. Liu Kun’s plaything.

Wang Yanan raised her eyebrows: "Xiao Hao, what are you doing in such an aggressive tone? Don't I just ask you, can you make it so angry?"

"If I guessed correctly, the boyfriend of Wanqiu you mentioned is Give you the local tyrant who bought your gifts. "


Wang Yanan's remarks were like throwing a nuclear bomb on a calm lake, and suddenly a stormy wave was set off. Everyone in the field couldn't help but turn their eyes to Xiao Wei in order to come over.

Undoubtedly, the hottest thing discussed in the entire Zhong Hai University these days is, who is the local tyrant who gave Xiao Wei a gift? !

One hundred and forty super rockets, as well as ten space battleships for the first time in history!

Gifts worth nearly 1.5 million!

It was given by that Shenhao alone!

Such a god, the background in reality is absolutely monstrous.

Countless people are very curious about his identity.

Some people say that he is the manager of Baoyang Xiaowei, and some people say that this god is the second generation of a well-known rich in Zhonghai circle.

But no matter what it is, it is all guesswork without any basis.

Now, Wang Yanan said, she had seen this person before and had taken Lin Wanqiu away?

For a time, everyone's curiosity was aroused.

"Wang Yanan, don't talk nonsense!" Xiao Wei's expression changed. Wang Yanan's intentions in these words were not vicious. It not only provoked her relationship with Lin Wanqiu, but also dragged Lin Wanqiu into the muddy water and let the school students Subconsciously thought that Lin Wanqiu had also taken the same path as Xiao Wei.

"Are I talking nonsense, you know it in your own heart." Wang Yanan snorted coldly, and said, from the look of Xiao Wei, what she said just now, even if it is wrong, I am afraid that it will be true, and gave Xiao Wei a gift that day The Shenhao, even if not Chen Feng, should have something to do with Chen Feng.

"Wow, I seem to have heard some amazing news."

"The god who gave Xiao Wei a gift has actually picked up Lin Wanqiu, is he also related to Lin Wanqiu?"

"It's not the legendary melee, see. Xiao Wei and Lin Wanqiu usually walk very close."

"It is very possible, who is Xiao Wei, you don't know, she can do that kind of thing."

"I am even more curious about the identity of the goddess. No, I don’t want to talk about Xiao Wei, even Lin Wanqiu is baoyang, the blessing of the people."

Xiao Wei’s expression changed, and Wang Yanan poured countless dirty water on Lin Wanqiu with a word. Lin Wanqiu might not be able to clean up after jumping into the Yellow River.

Chapter: 387

Xiao Wei's mouth moved, and she wanted to explain a few words. At this time, her mobile phone rang, and as soon as she pressed the answer, the voice of Chen Feng's wry smile rang from the other end of the phone: "Xiao Wei, can you come out? Pick me up, the security guard at the door won't let me in."

" Don't let me in ?" Xiao Wei was taken aback, and then immediately reacted. Today is China Overseas University's celebration. Necessary chaos, so only students and alumni of China Overseas University can enter.

"Brother Feng, wait, I'll come out to pick you up right away." Xiao Wei hurriedly said. She knows exactly what the security guards of China Overseas University are. If she doesn't go out quickly, those security guards may have conflicts with Chen Feng.

"Sister Xiaoyu, did you call Brother Chen Feng?" Lin Wanqiu was surprised to cover her little mouth when she heard Xiaoyu's name. There was a nervous look on her pretty face. She thought that Xiaoyu was just talking to her. Just kidding, but I didn't expect that Xiao Wei actually called Chen Feng over, and now, Chen Feng had already reached the door.

"I wanted to give you a surprise, but now..." Xiao Wei glanced at Lin Wanqiu and sighed: "You have seen it too. Would you like to pick up your Chen Feng brother with me?"

Lin Wanqiu blushed pretty. After hesitating for a while, he nodded gently: "Well, let's go together."

After speaking, the two walked out side by side.

After a large group of handsome men and women who remained in the background looked at each other, they hurriedly followed out.

This was the only chance to see the true face of the mysterious local tyrant who had given Xiao Wei more than 1.4 million gifts. They would not miss it.

Apart from Wang Yanan, no one in the field has seen Chen Feng, so when they were still on the road, everyone began to imagine Chen Feng's image in their minds.

A middle-aged fat man with a big belly? Or a handsome and handsome rich man? Or the legendary evil and overbearing president?

In just a few minutes, everyone conceived thousands of images for Chen Feng.

But when they saw the real person, everyone was instantly dumbfounded.

There are even a few people who rubbed their eyes subconsciously, thinking that they must be dazzled. The one in front of him is mixed with a few security guards, talking and laughing, smoking and smashing, a normal-looking young man dressed in a street stall, will be The mysterious local tyrant who gave Xiao Wei a million gifts?

What an international joke!

This kind of person needs to be able to buy more than one million gifts, and the people all over the street are all local tyrants, OK?

A few girls in the field were instantly disappointed, and all their fantasies turned into a bubble the moment they saw Chen Feng.

Seeing the image of Chen Feng, Xiao Wei was also sluggish for a moment. Why was the Chen Feng she saw this time completely different from the Chen Feng she saw last time.

The last time she saw Chen Feng, he was domineering and cold. He rolled twice and scolded Liu Kun, the top rich second generation of China Overseas University, not even daring to let go.

But the Chen Feng she saw this time made people feel like an ordinary young man, even mingling with a few security guards to smoke a cigarette.

It's just like two people.

However, although she was shocked, Xiao Wei did not show it on the surface. Instead, she smiled and pulled the blushing Lin Wanqiu to Chen Feng.

"I'm sorry, Brother Feng, I forgot to tell you on the phone that China Overseas University is under martial law and foreigners are not allowed to enter the school." Xiao Wei smiled openly.

"It's okay, I just arrived." Chen Feng smiled. The security guards at the door didn't give him a good face when they saw him, but when a few cigarettes went down, their attitudes changed immediately, sometimes.

"Brother Chen Feng..." Lin Wanqiu blushed and glanced at Chen Feng. Seeing Chen Feng's gaze moved over, she hurriedly lowered her head again.

Seeing Lin Wanqiu like this, Chen Feng was a little helpless. He was not blind. Lin Wanqiu liked him. Of course he could tell, but he had already been filled with Xia Mengyao, so he always regarded Lin Wanqiu as his sister.

But he didn't know how to express this idea to Lin Wanqiu.

"Come on for a while, don't be nervous when you come on stage." In the end, Chen Feng smiled and told Lin Wanqiu, no matter what, the most important thing is to let Lin Wanqiu handle the first performance in his life first, not the other.

"Yeah." Lin Wanqiu nodded lightly, and there was a touch of insignificant sadness in her beautiful eyes.

"Brother Feng, how did you come? Drive or take a taxi?" Xiao Wei asked.

"I came by car." Chen Feng pointed to Santana by the road.

"Santana?!" Seeing that the car Chen Feng was referring to was actually a Santana, Xiao Wei couldn't help but his eyes widened. There was a look of surprise in his beautiful eyes. In terms of Chen Feng's grade, no matter how shabby it is, it is not It's time to drive a Santana.

"I'm not mistaken, am I? This buddy drove this car, is Santana?"

"You're not mistaken, it's Santana!"

"Hahaha, I am so ridiculous, why didn't he drive Wuling Hongguang over here."

"He Where do you think of China Overseas University? A waste collection station, right? It’s not shameful to drive a Santana here."

"And the TM is still a second-hand Santana. It is estimated that it has been driving for seven or eight years."

A group of handsome men and beautiful women. Relentlessly mocking Chen Feng, today is the school celebration of China Overseas University. Many alumni who have achieved fame return to school and scream for the school celebration.

Therefore, the cars that drive into China Overseas University are of the same level as Audi A8, which is better, and there are supercars such as Porsche, Bentley, and even Maserati.

Chen Feng's Santana is really an unprecedented experience.

In a lot of luxury cars, it is very conspicuous.

Obviously, this is obviously not a compliment.

Chen Feng just smiled at the unscrupulous ridicule of everyone, and didn't take it to heart. He couldn't be guilty of arguing with a group of college students who didn't even get out of society.

"Wang Yanan, do you remember what I said before?" At this time, Xiao Wei sneered and spoke. Chen Feng was indeed a little shabby driving the Santana, but this Santana also slapped Wang Yanan in the face.

Wang Yanan's face changed. Of course she remembered what she had said before, but what she said before was not unfounded, but justified.

She still remembered the scene where Chen Feng hit Liu Kun and Wu Zhike in the face of the Hongye Club.

She had never seen him, Liu Kun would be jealous of someone, to the point where she was jealous. At that time, she decided in her heart that Chen Feng might have some extraordinary background, so she said that Chen Feng was the mysterious local tyrant behind Xiao Wei. Such words.

But now, Chen Feng's shabby clothes and this old, second-hand Santana slapped her in the face.

Shenhao, who has bought a million gifts, will drive a second-hand Santana out of shame?

Are you kidding me?

Chapter: 388

"Wang Yanan, you're talking!" Xiao Wei took a step forward, quite aggressive.

"Didn't you say that Brother Feng was the one who gave me gifts? Didn't you say that Brother Feng baoyang and Wanqiu? Now? Do you dare to say what you said again?" Xiao Wei coldly Looking at Wang Yanan, she wanted to take this opportunity to wash away the dirty water Wang Yanan poured on Lin Wanqiu.

She didn't mind if Wang Yanan poured dirty water on her, because she had soiled herself a long time ago, but Wang Yanan would pour dirty water on Lin Wanqiu, and she would never agree!


Wang Yanan's lips moved, but in the end she didn't know how to open her mouth. She was not without evidence. As long as she told the truth about what happened at the Hongye Club that night, everyone would understand that Chen Feng in front of her was absolutely not. simple.

Can she dare?

She dare not!

She wanted to dare to tell the story of Chen Feng's slap on Liu Kun and Wu Zhike's face. Those two would definitely kill her alive.

"In the future, do less bloody things and accumulate some virtue in your mouth." Xiao Wei gave Wang Yanan a cold look, and felt extremely happy in his heart. Chen Feng's Santana finally made her breathe out.

"Wang Yanan is also true. Lin Wanqiu, the jealous person, just said,

"What are you doing with this kind of trick." " Yes, what did you say that this diaosi is the goddess who gave Xiaoyao gifts, when we didn't have eyes. Isn't it?"

"It's just sensationalism, I have long seen that she is not a good thing."

Many girls have pointed their fingers at Wang Yanan. I thought I could witness the true face of the legendary God Hao, but I saw a stinky cock with Santana in it. Players wouldn't play that way.

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The harsh accusations of many girls fell into Wang Yanan's ears without fail, but Wang Yanan couldn't refute it.

"Someday, you will understand."

Really maddened, Wang Yanan bitterly put down a scene, turned and left the school gate.

"Brother Feng, let's go in, the party is about to begin." Without Wang Yanan's annoying fly, Xiao Wei's mood suddenly improved a lot.

"Good." Chen Feng smiled and nodded.

Afterwards, Lin Wanqiu and Xiao Wei entered the school gate of China Overseas University with Chen Feng between them.

This scene immediately made several of Lin Wanqiu's admirers jealous.

Although Xiao Wei's remarks just now proved that Chen Feng is not the goddess who gave her gifts, but the relationship between Chen Feng and Lin Wanqiu is real.

As long as the people in the field are not blind, they can see how much joy is hidden in Lin Wanqiu's eyes looking at Chen Feng. That joy is by no means pretended.

It is true and sincere, and it is natural.

How can they not be jealous?

"Damn, a stinky dick who drives Santana, dare to remember Wanqiu?"

"That's right, such a stinky dick is not worthy of even carrying shoes to Wanqiu, let alone being her boyfriend."

"Never let it be. He has defiled Wanqiu. Tonight, we must teach him a lesson he will never forget, so that he can understand that Wanqiu is not something he can use with rubbish."

The boy present is not a arrogant man with eyes above the top. .

If Chen Feng is a rich second-generation or better than them, he will be fine with Lin Wanqiu. However, Chen Feng is just a dick with nothing. Why would such a trash trample their goddess under his crotch?

"Brother Feng, today is the centennial anniversary of the founding of Zhonghai University. The school attaches great importance to this anniversary. Therefore, as early as half a month ago, the school began to prepare for the school celebration."

"As the most important party for school celebrations, the school has put a lot of energy into it. It not only prepared excellent programs, but also invited a lot of celebrities and accomplished alumni to help out."

"The big belly over there. Uncle Nian is the number one secretary of Zhonghai City’s top leader. His name is Yang Jianxiong. He handles all matters large and small in Zhonghai City."

"The short man wearing an Armani suit is the chairman of Fengda Group. His name is Zhu Qingfeng. Among all the alumni who have graduated, Zhu Qingfeng is not necessarily the most successful one, but he is definitely the richest one. When his Fengda Group was listed on Hong Kong Island last year, its market value was close to 300. Eight billion." While

Xiao Wei introduced to Chen Feng the background of several outstanding people in the crowd, while observing the expressions on Chen Feng’s face, she wanted to know what expression Chen Feng would have when seeing these big people. Envy, or disdain?

Either way, you can help her judge Chen Feng's approximate identity.

The last time she was at the Hongye Club, she thought that Chen Feng had relied on the stone to break the army and walked out of the gate. If there was no stone to break the army, Chen Feng would probably die at the Hongye Club that night.

But after seeing Chen Feng this time, she had a strange idea in her heart. Perhaps Chen Feng's background is not much worse than Shi Pojun, or even worse?

There is no doubt that she was taken aback by her own thoughts. If her thoughts were true, then the Shenhao who gave her 1.5 million gifts might not be a friend of Chen Feng at all. It's Chen Feng himself!

So tonight, she wanted to test Chen Feng, she wanted to know the general background of Chen Feng.

And right now, these dignitaries who have moved Zhonghai are a good opportunity.

If Chen Feng is an ordinary person, hearing her introduce big figures like Yang Jianxiong and Zhu Qingfeng, his eyes will inevitably show a look of envy. If Chen Feng is not an ordinary person, but the status is higher than Yang Jianxiong and Zhu Qingfeng The big man, when she heard her introduction, perhaps Chen Shengeng sneered, or dismissed it.

These two looks, no matter which one, are enough for her to judge Chen Feng's general background.

Unfortunately, Chen Feng disappointed Xiao Wei again.

For the Yang Jianxiong and Zhu Qingfeng introduced by Xiao Wei, Chen Feng did not show any expressions from beginning to end. Chen Feng's eyes were always calm and unwavering, neither envied nor calm.

This made Xiao Wei a bit big head. She found that she could not understand Chen Feng in front of her. Chen Feng in front of her was completely different from the young talents she had seen before.

He is calm like a ten thousand year stone, never revealing any emotions to the surface.

Chen Feng naturally didn't know what Xiao Mai was thinking. If he knew, Chen Feng would only shook his head, saying that Xiao Mai thought was too simple.

Yang Jianxiong and Zhu Qingfeng, perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, are the existence of heaven.

But in his eyes, these two people are nothing at all.

Not to mention anything else, just by pulling out Shi Pojun, two people can be more than a street in seconds.

How could such two people make his mood fluctuate?

Chapter: 389

The venue for the party is the Art Performance Center of China Overseas University.

It is said that it is an art performance center, but it is actually a very large venue. From the perspective of the area, the entire venue is enough to seat 20,000 people.

In the center of the venue, there was a temporary round stage, which gathered everyone's attention.

The position where Chen Feng sits is not far from the round stage, which is considered to be the first group in the student seat.

In front of the student seats, there are also alumni seats and VIP seats.

The VIP seat is naturally the best position for the audience.

Most of the people sitting in the VIP seats are either rich or expensive. Yang Jianxiong and Zhu Qingfeng, whom Xiao Wei introduced to Chen Feng before, are impressively listed, and the positions of the two are extremely high, almost the most in the entire VIP seat. Good location.

Chen Feng didn't care who the person sitting in the VIP table was, so after just a glance, Chen Feng withdrew his gaze and began to close his eyes and relax.

But what Chen Feng didn't expect was that he didn't care about the people sitting in the VIP seats, and the people sitting in the VIP seats, he cared about him.

Not long after Chen Feng sat down, Bai Wenli got up from the VIP table and left with a playful look. Under the leadership of the two younger brothers, he came to Chen Feng.

"Your name is Chen Feng?" Bai Wenli glanced at Chen Feng condescendingly, with a touch of arrogance in his eyes.

"Well, are you?" Chen Feng nodded, and glanced at Bai Wenli suspiciously. It seemed that he had never seen the young man in front of him before.

"You are not qualified to know my name." Bai Wenli shook his head, his face full of disdain.

Then he glanced at Chen Feng again, and said leisurely: "I came to tell you something."

"What's the matter?" Chen Feng narrowed his eyes. It turned out that he was here to find fault, which was kind of interesting.

"Leave Wanqiu." Bai Wenli spit out four words faintly.

"Wanqiu is not worthy of you." Before Chen Feng opened his mouth, Bai Wenli added another sentence.

Chen Feng smiled and said, "How do you know that I am not worthy of Wanqiu? Just because I drove a Santana?"

Bai Wenli's tone was stagnant, as if he didn't expect Chen Summit to be so direct.

"Yes, just because you are driving Santana, I don't think that a man who drives Santana can give Wanqiu happiness." After taking a deep breath, Bai Wenli said in a deep voice.

Chen Feng nodded, then smiled and turned his gaze to Bai

Wenli : "What car do you drive?" "Bentley Mulsanne." Although I don't understand why Chen Feng asked this question, Bai Wenli was full of pride. Opened his mouth.

"Bentley Mulsanne?"

Chen Feng smiled: "It's a pretty good car. It costs more than five million for the

whole car ." "Yes, the whole car does cost more than five million when it landed. You are a dick. Quite understanding." Bai Wenli sneered and looked at Chen Feng with sarcasm in his eyes. He didn't understand that Chen Feng, a dick who drives a Santana, understands the meaning of the price of a luxury car like Bentley. Does he think he can buy it? Can afford?

Chen Feng smiled faintly, and ignored Bai Wenli's ridicule, but instead smiled and asked: "Did you buy the car yourself, or did your dad buy it for you?"

"Does it have anything to do with you?" Bai Wenli's face changed. Change, as if being poked into a sore spot by Chen Feng's words.

"It's okay." Chen Feng shook his head: "I just want to tell you that my Santana, no matter how broken, no matter how old, is I bought it myself."

"And your Bentley Mulsanne, no matter how stylish, no matter how fashionable, that You didn’t buy it yourself. Without your dad, let alone a Bentley Mulsanne. You can’t even afford a Bentley Mulsanne wheel."

"So, wait someday you can buy a Bentley Mulsanne by your own means. When it’s time, let’s say you can give Wanqiu happiness, okay?"

Bai Wenli's face became ugly, and I have to say that Chen Feng's remarks hit his sore spot. The most criticized place for a rich second generation like him is that he is not a fart if he leaves his father's generation.

Without his parents, he really couldn't afford the Bentley Mulsanne, and he was not qualified to show off in front of Chen Feng.

"You are very sharp." Bai Wenli glanced at Chen Feng gloomily.

"Thank you for the compliment." Chen Feng smiled faintly.

"Thank you?" Bai Wenli sneered suddenly, "I hope that when I take the stage, you can still thank you!"

After speaking, Bai Wenli turned his head and left.

But Chen Feng's brows wrinkled. Why did you listen to Bai Wenli's meaning and want to do something after going on stage?

After a few minutes, the party officially began.

Two pairs of handsome male and beautiful female hosts took the stage, read the opening speech, and released a message that after tonight's finale, there will be a heavy guest on stage to sing a song for the 100th anniversary of China Overseas University.

Everyone's curiosity was aroused, and there was a heated discussion about the identity of this heavy guest.

But after discussing for a long time, there was no discussion about why.

Chen Feng is not so sad about all this. His purpose of coming here is to watch Lin Wanqiu's performance. As for other heavy guests, it has nothing to do with him.

The first performance of the party was a martial arts performance. The performer was a tall young man in a white exercise suit. His symmetrical figure and bronzed skin attracted little stars in the eyes of the young students.

As the young man leaped into the air and leaped into the air, blocks of wooden boards were kicked to pieces, and the atmosphere off the court became extremely enthusiastic. From time to time, young girls screamed and stood up to cheer for the young men.

Chen Feng, who was in the middle of the crowd, felt that his eardrums were about to be shattered.

After the tall boy's martial arts performance was over, the screams in his ears disappeared, and Chen Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief, but his expectations for Lin Wanqiu's dance performance were even more ardent.

An hour later, the evening party finally came to an end, the quality of the programs on the stage gradually increased, and the mood of the audience reached a peak.

After another Guzheng solo, the audience once again burst into thunderous applause.

After the applause, the female host in a red evening dress came on stage with a smile.

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"Among the thousands of ancient and modern musical instruments in various countries in the world, modern pianos are hailed as the'King of Musical Instruments' by many musicians. The sound of the piano is like the sound of nature, playing the softest ballad in the heart, and the sound of the piano is like a stream, winding Twists and turns, thousands of times..."

"Yes, then Bai Wenli, a talented person in the management department, will present a piano solo for everyone..." As

soon as the three words Bai Wenli came out, the audience sounded again. The harsh screams, this sound, even suppressed the host's voice.

Many girls are in a state of nympho, as if they have met a favorite star.

Chen Feng frowned. Why did he have a hunch that Bai Wenli in the host population was the young man who came to provoke him just now?

Chapter: 390

Xiao Wei's mouth moved, and she wanted to explain a few words. At this time, her mobile phone rang, and as soon as she pressed the answer, the voice of Chen Feng's wry smile rang from the other end of the phone: "Xiao Wei, can you come out? Pick me up, the security guard at the door won't let me in."

" Don't let me in ?" Xiao Wei was taken aback, and then immediately reacted. Today is China Overseas University's celebration. Necessary chaos, so only students and alumni of China Overseas University can enter.

"Brother Feng, wait, I'll come out to pick you up right away." Xiao Wei hurriedly said. She knows exactly what the security guards of China Overseas University are. If she doesn't go out quickly, those security guards may have conflicts with Chen Feng.

"Sister Xiaoyu, did you call Brother Chen Feng?" Lin Wanqiu was surprised to cover her little mouth when she heard Xiaoyu's name. There was a nervous look on her pretty face. She thought that Xiaoyu was just talking to her. Just kidding, but I didn't expect that Xiao Wei actually called Chen Feng over, and now, Chen Feng had already reached the door.

"I wanted to give you a surprise, but now..." Xiao Wei glanced at Lin Wanqiu and sighed: "You have seen it too. Would you like to pick up your Chen Feng brother with me?"

Lin Wanqiu blushed pretty. After hesitating for a while, he nodded gently: "Well, let's go together."

After speaking, the two walked out side by side.

After a large group of handsome men and women who remained in the background looked at each other, they hurriedly followed out.

This was the only chance to see the true face of the mysterious local tyrant who had given Xiao Wei more than 1.4 million gifts. They would not miss it.

Apart from Wang Yanan, no one in the field has seen Chen Feng, so when they were still on the road, everyone began to imagine Chen Feng's image in their minds.

A middle-aged fat man with a big belly? Or a handsome and handsome rich man? Or the legendary evil and overbearing president?

In just a few minutes, everyone conceived thousands of images for Chen Feng.

But when they saw the real person, everyone was instantly dumbfounded.

There are even a few people who rubbed their eyes subconsciously, thinking that they must be dazzled. The one in front of him is mixed with a few security guards, talking and laughing, smoking and smashing, a normal-looking young man dressed in a street stall, will be The mysterious local tyrant who gave Xiao Wei a million gifts?

What an international joke!

This kind of person needs to be able to buy more than one million gifts, and the people all over the street are all local tyrants, OK?

A few girls in the field were instantly disappointed, and all their fantasies turned into a bubble the moment they saw Chen Feng.

Seeing the image of Chen Feng, Xiao Wei was also sluggish for a moment. Why was the Chen Feng she saw this time completely different from the Chen Feng she saw last time.

The last time she saw Chen Feng, he was domineering and cold. He rolled twice and scolded Liu Kun, the top rich second generation of China Overseas University, not even daring to let go.

But the Chen Feng she saw this time made people feel like an ordinary young man, even mingling with a few security guards to smoke a cigarette.

It's just like two people.

However, although she was shocked, Xiao Wei did not show it on the surface. Instead, she smiled and pulled the blushing Lin Wanqiu to Chen Feng.

"I'm sorry, Brother Feng, I forgot to tell you on the phone that China Overseas University is under martial law and foreigners are not allowed to enter the school." Xiao Wei smiled openly.

"It's okay, I just came here soon." Chen Feng smiled. The security guards at the door did not give him a good face when they saw him, but when a few cigarettes went down, the attitude of the few people immediately changed.

"Brother Chen Feng..." Lin Wanqiu blushed and glanced at Chen Feng. Seeing Chen Feng's gaze moved over, she hurriedly lowered her head again.

Seeing Lin Wanqiu like this, Chen Feng was a little helpless. He was not blind. Lin Wanqiu liked him. Of course he could tell, but he had already been filled with Xia Mengyao, so he always regarded Lin Wanqiu as his sister.

But he didn't know how to express this idea to Lin Wanqiu.

"Come on for a while, don't be nervous when you come on stage." In the end, Chen Feng smiled and told Lin Wanqiu, no matter what, the most important thing is to let Lin Wanqiu handle the first performance in his life first, not the other.

"Yeah." Lin Wanqiu nodded lightly, and there was a touch of insignificant sadness in her beautiful eyes.

"Brother Feng, how did you come? Drive or take a taxi?" Xiao Wei asked.

"I came by car." Chen Feng pointed to Santana by the road.

"Santana?!" Seeing that the car Chen Feng was referring to was actually a Santana, Xiao Wei couldn't help but his eyes widened. There was a look of surprise in his beautiful eyes. In terms of Chen Feng's grade, no matter how shabby it is, it is not It's time to drive a Santana.

"I'm not mistaken, am I? This buddy drove this car, is Santana?"

"You're not mistaken, it's Santana!"

"Hahaha, I am so ridiculous, why didn't he drive Wuling Hongguang over here."

"He Where do you think of China Overseas University? A waste collection station, right? It’s not shameful to drive a Santana here."

"And the TM is still a second-hand Santana. It is estimated that it has been driving for seven or eight years."

A group of handsome men and beautiful women. Relentlessly mocking Chen Feng, today is the school celebration of China Overseas University. Many alumni who have achieved fame return to school and scream for the school celebration.

Therefore, the cars that drive into China Overseas University are of the same level as Audi A8, which is better, and there are supercars such as Porsche, Bentley, and even Maserati.

Chen Feng's Santana is really an unprecedented experience.

In a lot of luxury cars, it is very conspicuous.

Obviously, this is obviously not a compliment.

Chen Feng just smiled at the unscrupulous ridicule of everyone, and didn't take it to heart. He couldn't be guilty of arguing with a group of college students who didn't even get out of society.

"Wang Yanan, do you remember what I said before?" At this time, Xiao Wei sneered and spoke. Chen Feng was indeed a little shabby driving the Santana, but this Santana also slapped Wang Yanan in the face.

Wang Yanan's face changed. Of course she remembered what she had said before, but what she said before was not unfounded, but justified.

She still remembered the scene where Chen Feng hit Liu Kun and Wu Zhike in the face of the Hongye Club.

She had never seen him, Liu Kun would be jealous of someone, to the point where she was jealous. At that time, she decided in her heart that Chen Feng might have some extraordinary background, so she said that Chen Feng was the mysterious local tyrant behind Xiao Wei. Such words.

But now, Chen Feng's shabby clothes and this old, second-hand Santana slapped her in the face.

Shenhao, who has bought a million gifts, will drive a second-hand Santana out of shame?

Are you kidding me?
