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Novel: Who are you My Husband (Chapter 241-250) (Chinese Translated)

Chapter: 241

  The Zhou family is also one of the few great families in the Central Plains, and it has a very strong influence. Although it is in Yuzhou, if Zhou Zunfei is really killed, the Zhou family will definitely not let it go.

  Lu Chen could cover the sky with one hand in Yuzhou, but Xie Weihao supported him.

  After leaving Yuzhou, he really couldn't break his wrists with those real wealthy families.

  Unless it is a head-to-head fight.

  However, in today's society, head-to-head fights are only the next policy, and the real best policy is to use the relationship between all parties and their deterrence to solve problems.

  To put it bluntly, Lu Chen's foundation is still unstable.

  In fact, even if his identity as the owner of Yiqi Technology is announced, local tycoons like the four major families of Yuzhou still look down on Lu Chen in their hearts.

  In this society, it is not how much money you have that is the real boss.

  The real competition is the family heritage and family relationship network.

  But even the four powerful families in Yuzhou still can't enter the'old money' class.

  Regardless of whether it is the Zuo family or the Chen family, there is still a certain gap between entering the "old money", the real top of society.

  Lu Chen had this qualification, but when his father disbanded the capital Lu Family, he became a wealthy upstart, and in the eyes of those real old money, he was just a new money.

  'Old money' is a realm that all wealthy families are yearning to pursue.

  If Lu Chen can one day step into the realm of'old money', then the Lu family he will lead in the future can be regarded as a real powerful family.

  At that time, as long as Zhou Zunfei dared to provoke him, whether in Yuzhou or where, he would dare to easily kill Zhou Zunfei.

  Because at that time, his entire family had enough ability to suppress this matter.

  But he still has a long way to go from that state.

  "Well, I know." Du Fei nodded and turned to look at Zeng Xin, "Call Hu Biao and ask when they will be back."

  Hu Biao sent Zhang Wei to the hospital. There is a hospital not far from here. If there is no queue, it should be very fast.

  This matter must not be dragged on. The other party will definitely be vigilant after knowing that the killer has missed his hand. They must stop the other party as soon as possible.

  Then the only person they can contact Zhou Zunfei now is Zhang Wei.

  At this time, Zhou Zunfei was drinking with Zuo Qingcheng in the club opened by Zuo's house.

  "Brother Zhou, I think it is really irrational for you to send someone to assassinate Lu Chen." Zuo Qingcheng raised his glass and touched Zhou Zunfei.

  The so-called enemy's enemy is a friend.

  Although Zuo Qingcheng was slapped in the face by Zhou Zunfei last time, and even the Zuojia channel was defeated by Zhou Zunfei, but then Lu Chen stepped in and made them both have a common enemy.

  That is Lu Chen.

  So the two of them smiled at each other and joined forces to deal with Lu Chen.

  "How do you say?" Zhou Zunfei asked after taking a sip of the red wine in the glass.

  Zuo Qingcheng elegantly picked up the wine bottle, poured the wine for Zhou Zunfei, and said, “You don’t know yet, Lu Chen’s relationship is Xie Weihao. Although we don’t know the specific identity of Lu Chen, if he leaves in Yuzhou Whether it's Xie Weihao or the people behind Lu Chen, they will definitely not give up."

  Now many people in Yuzhou are speculating that Lu Chen may be a descendant of a family from Beijing or other big places.

  However, considering his relationship with Xie Weihao, both of them are basically Beijing accents, so more people think that Lu Chen comes from the Lu family in Beijing.

  Zhou Zunfei frowned. He did not investigate Lu Chen's identity. If Lu Chen's backstage was really Xie Weihao, it would be really troublesome.

  "Also, I don't think the people you send will necessarily kill Lu Chen."

  Zuo Qingcheng explained: "You haven't heard of it. Some time ago, Zhang Family invited the martial arts expert Dongfang Long to come. Challenge Lu Chen. When everyone thought that Lu Chen was going to lose, he didn't expect Lu Chen to easily defeat Dongfanglong. Do you know what the Zhang family paid in the end?"

  Zhou Zunfei was shocked. He didn't expect Lu Chen to have such a strong skill. He had also heard of Dongfanglong's name. He was a real martial artist, but he did not expect to lose to Lu Chen. That said, he The killer sent there might not be able to kill Lu Chen, on the contrary, he would startle the snake.

  Zhou Zunfei regretted a bit, he had known Zuo Qingcheng first.

  "You continue talking." Zhou Zunfei nodded and said.

  "At that time, he almost bankrupted the entire Zhang family. Of course, this is a bit exaggerated, but the Zhang family was indeed miserable by him. The economic loss on the surface was as high as 3 billion yuan, but the reputation of the Zhang family was added. Waiting for the loss, the Zhang family will lose at least nearly five billion, which can be described as a serious injury. I heard that in the end Zhang Daozhong went to Lu Chen to seek peace. They were really scared." After Zuo Qingcheng finished speaking, he was full. After drinking the wine, he elegantly placed the wine bottle on the crystal table.

  "Fuck, that kid is so cruel? And where does he have so much energy, Xie Weihao alone can't do it." Zhou Zunfei said in shock.

  "Brother Zhou, don't believe me, just let me do the calculations."

  Zuo Qingcheng picked up the cup and touched Zhou Zunfei again, then drank half a cup by himself before he said again: "Zhangjia Group Building was taken by him. The fire was all burned. I heard that even the confidential documents were not taken out. At least one billion yuan would be lost. The Bishuiwan project, Zhangjia invested nearly one billion yuan, and it was all built and renovated, but it was slammed by Lu Chen It was razed to the ground with the sound of'. There is also the Zhang Family's Green Island, plus land and construction, and future investment, no less than one billion yuan, but it was overshadowed by Lu Chen. These three places are clearly visible. Loss, is the Zhang family going to lose 3 billion yuan, various losses secretly, and the loss of Zhang family's face in Yuzhou, all these add up, is the Zhang family's vitality badly hurt."

  Zhou Zunfei's face changed drastically, unexpectedly Lu Chen was so good, which completely exceeded his expectations.

  He had always thought that Lu Chen was just a master stone gambler, he would kill if he killed him, as long as he could get back the original stone channel.

  Now think about it, a person who can force the Zhang family to admit and avoid, can you dare to say that he is just a master stone gambler?

  And he is backed by Xie Weihao.

  Their Zhou family also has a backing in the capital, and their Zhou family has also analyzed this year's transfer.

  Xie Weihao came to Yuzhou not to be decentralized on the surface, but to plate with another layer of gold. As long as he did not make a mistake in Yuzhou, he would basically rise again after returning. Such a big man stood behind Lu Chen. , He actually wanted to assassinate Lu Chen, this was simply uncomfortable for their Zhou family.

  Thinking clearly, Zhou Zunfei hurriedly called to let people cancel the assassination of Lu Chen.

  "I hope it's still too late." Zhou Zunfei thought anxiously after calling.

  Looking at Zhou Zunfei's worried face, Zuo Qingcheng smiled knowingly, and said, "Brother Zhou, I have a better way to let Lu Chen obediently hand over the rough channels of our two families."

Chapter: 242

  Sakura Club.

  Zhang Wei called several times in a row, but the other party did not answer, and finally turned off.

  At this time, there were large drops of sweat on his forehead.

  One is that his mother is still in each other's hands.

  Second, the anaesthetic used before the severed finger on his left hand failed, and he was in severe pain at this time.

  Third, if this matter is not handled properly, not only will Du Fei not rescue his mother, it is very likely that he will be killed.

  Zhang Wei was flustered when he couldn't make the call to the other party anymore.

  "How is the situation?" Du Fei asked. Seeing Zhang Wei's forehead was sweaty, he felt that Zhang Wei should be calling there, and he also believed that Zhang Wei would definitely not dare to do anything in front of him.

  "Fei, Brother Fei, the other party may know that this side failed, so they turned off the phone directly, and I only have that person's phone." Zhang Wei said with a trembling voice.

  "Where do you think they might be?" Du Fei frowned and asked.

  "I...I really don't know." Zhang Wei's expression changed, and he said with some fear.

  Du Fei frowned. He didn't know where the other party was, and he didn't move, so he had to check it slowly or wait for the other party's call.

  However, a Mr. Mu hasn't found it yet, and now there is another Zhou Zunfei, which really gives him a headache.

  "When Zhou Zunfei came to Yuzhou, either he was staying in a hotel or the villa he bought here. If he was staying in a hotel, it would be better to check. If he bought a villa here, then It's not easy to check." Lu Chen analyzed, this is indeed a troublesome matter.

  "Well, it's mainly because they are in the dark, and we are in the light. This is really difficult to investigate. Only when they show up again and take the initiative to contact us." Du Fei nodded.

  "I guess after they missed this time, they might no longer be in a hurry to find someone to kill me. I'm just worried that they will do something to Qiqi and Yijun and use them to threaten me." Lu Chen analyzed. He had only called Lin Yijun and Xu Jing before, and asked them to be careful. It was also difficult for Zhou Zunfei to use them.

  Whether it was Xu Jing or the bodyguards he personally found for Lin Yijun, he still had confidence in them.

  But thinking that he hadn't equipped Xu Jing and others with a pistol, he felt a little worried.

  Because Zhou Zunfei's people all have guns, Xu Jing might not be able to protect Qiqi if they don't have guns in their hands.

  Lu Chen felt a little flustered when he thought of this. He felt that his small mistake was likely to cause catastrophe.

  He took out the phone and was about to call Xu Jing when he received a call from Xu Jing.

  Seeing the call, Lu Chen's heart jumped and hurriedly pressed the answer button.

  "Chen, Brother Chen, I'm sorry, I didn't protect Qiqi..." Xu Jing's voice sounded a little weak, giving people the feeling of dying at any time.

  Lu Chen was shocked, and hurriedly asked, "Are you okay?"

  "I was shot twice, one shot in the stomach, the problem is not too big, but the other shot hit me in the chest, I felt like it was shot. The heart..." Before Xu Jing finished speaking, there was no sound.

  Lu Chen's heart sank. Whatever he worries about the most, he will come.

  His face was ugly to the extreme, not only because of Qiqi's accident, but also because Xu Jing was probably sacrificed for it.

  "What's the situation?" Du Fei frowned and asked.

  "They took my daughter and probably killed Xu Jing too." Lu Chen said in a deep voice.

  "My grass, Zhou Zunfei of dog days, if he dares to move my niece, I will kill him by himself!" Du Fei said angrily.

  "Brother Fei, or let's go to the kindergarten to see Brother Xu now." Hu Biao said.

  "No, it's a bit far from the kindergarten. I called the hospital over there to see it. Let's go directly to the hospital."

  Lu Chen turned and walked outside, calling the hospital in Dadu District as he walked.

  "By the way, let the brothers be ready to fight at any time." When he came to the car, Lu Chen turned his head and said to Du Fei.

  If Zhou Zunfei dared to hurt Qiqi a cold hair, even if he defeated the Zhou family and was injured, he would still keep Zhou Zunfei in Yuzhou forever.

  "Well, I know." Du Fei nodded, without Lu Chen speaking, he must also know the seriousness of this situation.

  Lu Chen is a daughter like Qiqi, so precious, of course he understands Lu Chen's mood.

  He had already thought that if Zhou Zunfei really dared to hurt Qiqi, even if Lu Chen didn't do it, he would kill Zhou Zunfei himself.

  After getting in the car, Lu Chen called Lin Yijun again to make her be careful, but he didn't tell her what happened to Qiqi.

  Half an hour later, Lu Chen and the others arrived at the People's Hospital of Dadu District and soon found the hospital director.

  "Dean Cheng, how is my friend's situation?" Lu Chen asked directly.

  Dean Cheng is a middle-aged bald head. They met when Qiqi was hospitalized here. Later, after he inherited the family property, he also donated a sum of money to the hospital. So he called and Dean Cheng immediately Arranged someone to go to the kindergarten and found Xu Jing.

  "The situation is not very good. It seems that he has hit the heart. But when he arrived at the hospital, he hadn't died. I have arranged the best doctor to operate on him. I hope he is the legendary right-hearted person. Well, the chance of not surviving is really very small." Dean Cheng said.

  Right person?

  Lu Chen and the others sank.

  The so-called right-hearted person means that the heart grows on the right side of the chest. They have heard of such a person, but they have not seen it.

  All organs of this kind of person grow opposite to that of a normal person. The heart grows on the right side, and his liver will grow on the left side, which grows like a mirror image of a normal person.

  But even if Xu Jing is a right-hearted person, and the bullet hits his left chest, it is likely that he will also injure his liver, or it is impossible for him to faint before finishing speaking.

  But at least it is better than hitting the heart. If the liver is injured, there is still a chance to be cured. If the heart is hit, the gods will not be able to save.

  "Why don't we go to the operating room to wait for the news?" Seeing that Lu Chen and the others were a little nervous, Dean Cheng suggested.

  "Okay, then I'll trouble Dean Cheng." Lu Chen nodded. He really only wanted to know if Xu Jing would be okay, and he also hoped to know Xu Jing's situation as soon as possible.

  "Well, you come with me." Dean Cheng nodded, and led Lu Chen and the others towards the operating room.

  There were two rows of stools specially prepared for the patient's family members outside the operating room. Lu Chen and the others looked outside the door of the operating room, and then all sat down on the stools.

  With a nervous mood, after waiting for more than half an hour, everyone saw that the door of the operating room opened, and then several doctors in white coats walked out of it, all with exhaustion on their faces.

Chapter: 243

  "How is it?" Dean Cheng asked first.

  "The right-hearted person, he is also lucky. The bullet just grazed the liver and shot it, and he can recover after a period of time." Seeing that the dean was waiting outside in person, the attending doctor said excitedly.

  "Well, it's been hard work, you guys go down and rest first." Dean Cheng nodded, and he was relieved.

  Lu Chen and the others also breathed a sigh of relief. If Xu Jing died because of this, he would also feel sad.

  For Xu Jing, he did not regard him as a general bodyguard. In his heart, Xu Jing was like his little brother.

  Now Xu Jing is not in danger, and Lu Chen is greatly relieved. Now he is waiting for Zhou Zunfei to call him.

  Zhou Zunfei arrested Qiqi, but just wanted to use Qiqi to threaten him and let him return the rough channel to Zhou's family. He believed that Zhou Zunfei would definitely not harm Qiqi.

  Because that would only make him more angry and force him to fight the Zhou family.

  But even though he thought so in his heart, Lu Chen was still a little worried.

  In addition to worrying that Zhou Zunfei would hurt Qiqi, he also worried that this incident would leave a shadow on Qiqi's young mind.

  The operation was very successful, Xu Jing hadn't woke up yet, and it was not until an hour later that Xu Jing woke up slowly.

  "Brother Chen, I'm sorry..." Xu Jing said apologetically when he saw Lu Chen and others standing by the bed.

  He has passed the anaesthetic period at this time, not only the incision is painful, but the whole person looks a little weak, and his face is not bloody.

  "It's fine if you are fine, Qiqi will be fine, don't blame yourself, and blame me for not being thoughtful. If you were equipped with a gun at that time, you would not be injured." Lu Chen waved his hand and signaled Xu Jing Don't blame yourself.

  "I..." Xu Jing was a little moved, and didn't know what to say for a while.

  "You take a good rest, take care of the injury first, and don't worry about other things. By the way, do you want to tell your parents?" Lu Chen asked.

  "Don't, I don't want them to worry." Xu Jing shook his head and said.

  "Well, okay." Lu Chen nodded, making the old man worried.

  At this moment, Lu Chen's phone finally rang. It was an unfamiliar phone. The caller ID showed the number of the Central Plains area.

  "Lu Chen, right? I won't say more nonsense. You should already know it. Your baby girl is in my hands now. If you want to save your daughter, you can take my Zhou family's rough channel and Zuo family's rough stone. Let's change the two contracts of the channel. By

  the way, you can only bring a lawyer, don't think about calling the police, otherwise you will wait for your daughter to collect the body." The other party said directly.

  Lu Chen's face sank, and he asked: "Address?"

  "Chengxiyuan Old Railway Station, I know you live in Dadu District. I will give you one hour, enough time for you to get the contract. Don't blame me for tearing the ticket when it expires." Just hung up the phone.

  Lu Chen put away the phone, everyone looked at him.

  "A Fei, you go get the two original stone channel contracts, we two go to the old railway station in Chengxi, the other people surrounded me the old railway station, no one should let me out." Lu Chen said in a deep voice. Said.

  Zhou Zunfei actually grabbed Qiqi and had already touched his bottom line. Today he must teach Zhou Zunfei a profound lesson.

  "Where are you waiting for me?" Du Fei nodded and asked.

  "Just here, it's about 20 minutes to the old railway station, which is pretty close," Lu Chen said.

  "Good." Du Fei turned around and went out without saying a word.

  Lu Chen called Sanjie of the Water Margin, and after making arrangements, he said to Hu Biao and others: "You also take your brothers to ambush first. Be careful not to let them discover your traces. You should stay on the periphery first. After Du Fei and I enter, you are sneaking over."

  "Okay." Hu Biao nodded and called on the spot to make preparations.

  This is a high-level ViP ward. Several rooms are dedicated to their own people. They are not afraid that the news will leak out.

  "Brother Chen, who is the other party?" Xu Jing moved his body and asked.

  "The jewelers in the Central Plains, I won their rough channel before, and they came to grab the rough channel." Lu Chen didn't hide it, and told Xu Jing of the matter.

  "Yeah." Xu Jing nodded. He couldn't help at this moment, and he blamed himself even more.

  Lu Chen walked to the lobby outside his home and stood by the window. He took out a cigarette and looked at the hot weather outside the window, making him extremely calm.

  "Zhou Zunfei asked me to take the raw stone channel of Zuo's family. Obviously, the two of them must have joined together in this matter. And if I didn't guess wrong, Zuo's family told Zhou Zunfei which kindergarten Qiqi went to.

  Lu Chen spit out the smoke ring, his face grew gloomy.

  His reputation in Yuzhou during this period is too strong. He believes that besides the four major families, many others must have checked his identity.

  He was not afraid that they would find out that he was the owner of Yiqi Technology, and what he worried about was that the situation of Qiqi and Lin Yijun would also be found out by them.

  Now it seems that Zuo Jia knows whether he is the owner of Yiqi Technology, it is hard to say, but they already have a lot of information about him.

  "Zuo Family, it seems that I have to find time to beat them. After dealing with Xiao Bieling's people, after dealing with Xiao Bieling's people, take some time to go to Zuo's house and walk around."

  Lu Chen thought to himself. , Took the last puff of smoke, flicked the middle finger, and popped the cigarette butt out of the window.

  Du Fei's speed was very fast, and he returned in more than 20 minutes. After Lu Chen asked the nurse to take care of Xu Jing, he went downstairs.

  Sitting in Du Fei's car, Du Fei launched the Hummer and hurried to the old railway station in the west of the city.

  "It's more convenient, it's useful when it's critical." Du Fei threw a pistol to Lu Chen.

  As the leader of the underground forces, Du Fei, of course, also bought a few pistols and hundreds of bullets through the black market. Although he basically can't use it, this thing is really good at critical times. No matter how high your martial arts, no matter how fast you are. , Can't be faster than the bullet, right?

  Lu Chen took the pistol and withdrew to take a look. The room was full of bullets. He closed the magazine again and pinned it to his waist.

  Everyone in Zhou Zunfei has guns, and he can't be careless.

  "Can you kill him this time?" Du Fei asked.

  He understands Lu Chen, Zhou Zunfei took Qiqi to threaten Lu Chen, he had violated Lu Chen's bottom line, and he knew that Lu Chen had been murderous.

  If Zhou Zunfei hadn't captured Qiqi, even if he sent someone to assassinate Lu Chen, Lu Chen didn't even think about killing him, but at this time the nature was different.

  "It depends on the situation, but today I must make him useless."

  Lu Chen fell silent, and then said.

Chapter: 244

  When Lu Chen and Du Fei arrived at the old railway station, they saw dozens of people taking a cold on the platform of the old railway station, and Zhou Zunfei was among them. www.

  But to his disappointment, there is no one in Zuo's home.

  He didn't believe that he was wrong. He guessed that no one from the Zuo family came. It must be the last time he retaliated against the Zhang family, which made the Zuo family a little jealous, so he would rather pay some price from Zhou Zunfei's hands and then buy back their Zuo family. The rough channel didn't want to fall into Lu Chen's hands.

  "Fifty minutes, you are on time, did you bring the contract?" Zhou Zunfei got up and walked towards Lu Chen and Du Fei, Qiqi was in his hands, he was not afraid of Lu Chen.

  Lu Chen raised the two contracts to Zhou Zunfei, and said in a deep voice, "Where is my daughter?"

  "Don't worry, wait until I verify it." Zhou Zunfei smiled and gestured to his lawyer.

  The lawyer came to Lu Chen, took the contract in Lu Chen's hand, opened it and checked it, and then returned the agreement to Lu Chen, turning around and nodding to Zhou Zunfei.

  "Let Ahu bring people here." Zhou Zunfei said to the big man behind him.

  Hearing this, the big man took out his cell phone to make a call.

  Zhou Zunfei knew that Lu Chen was very strong, so he kept a hand and didn't take Qiqi to the old train station in the first time.

  "Lu Chen, you shouldn't be against me, even if you have Xie Weihao's support, you can't be my opponent of Zhou Zunfei." Zhou Zunfei said jokingly.

  "You know a lot." Lu Chen said coldly.

  "Not much, I only know where your wife works." Zhou Zunfei laughed.

  Lu Chen's face darkened, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

  Zhou Zunfei repeatedly challenged his bottom line today, he was considering whether to leave him in Yuzhou forever.

  "Boy, before doing anything in the future, be sure to keep your eyes open and take a good look at who you can’t afford to provoke, otherwise it provokes people you shouldn’t provoke, not only your safety, but also your family. Suffering." Zhou Zunfei laughed again.

  Thinking that Lu Chen made him lose his face in front of everyone at the beginning, at this time Lu Chen could only let him know, and he couldn't say that he was refreshed.

  Lu Chen remained silent. Before seeing his daughter, he first made Zhou Zunfei proud. Zhou Zunfei challenged his details and could only make him more determined to kill Zhou Zunfei.

  At this time, on a construction site two kilometers away from the old railway station, Zhou Hu received a call from Zhou Zunfei's side, and then he picked up Qiqi, whose mouth was sealed with tape and her eyes were full of fear, from the shade. Walked out, ready to go to the old train station.


  Because the weather is too hot, reaching 41 degrees Celsius, today the construction site had to take a vacation to escape the heat.

  Yu Bing was guarding the construction site today. He was resting with a fan in the room, and vaguely heard the little girl's whimper.

  At first he thought it was an illusion and didn't care much, but after a few seconds, the little girl whimpered again. He was curious and walked out to take a look.

  As soon as he walked out of the construction site, he saw a big man walking towards him holding a little girl.

  "It's a benefactor." Although Qiqi's mouth was sealed with tape, Yu Bing recognized Qiqi for the first time, and he was shocked.

  He still remembers that when he was helpless and wanted to cry that night, it was this little girl who gave him a box of lunch, but the box contained five thousand yuan, and he beat the five thousand yuan back home before sending him His mother's condition was suppressed.

  He always thought that if he met the little girl and her father again, he would have to thank him, and then return the five thousand yuan to the family, although he knew that the other party might not want it.

  "What to look at? Look at Lao Tzu to kill you." Zhou Hu stared when he saw Yu Bing looking at Qiqi in his arms curiously, and shouted angrily.

  Yu Bing was shocked and turned his head hurriedly. He didn't dare to look back until the big man walked by him holding Qiqi.

  The look of the big man made him a little frightened, but thinking about Qiqi's mouth sealed with tape, he immediately guessed that the other party must have kidnapped Qiqi.

  "Although this guy has a gangster, it is likely to kill me, but I can't just watch my benefactor being taken away by him. I must save the little benefactor!"

  Yu Bing thought for a few seconds. After gritted his teeth, he turned his head and lifted a steel pipe and quietly walked towards the back of the big man.

  I don't know if it is nervous or the weather is too hot, Yu Bing's forehead is covered with profuse sweat, and big beads of sweat are flowing down his cheeks.

  But his eyes were extremely firm, although his hands holding the steel pipe were shaking.

  Suddenly, Zhou Hu in front of him spotted Yu Bing who was following, and he turned around and looked over.

  Yu Bing screamed in fright, and at the same time the steel pipe in his hand slammed on Zhou Hu's head.

  Before Zhou Hu could react, his forehead was cracked open, and blood flowed out.

  "You fucking look for..." Zhou Hu fainted with his eyes wide before he could finish his words.

  Yu Bing breathed a sigh of relief and saw Qiqi fall down with Zhou Hu, he hurriedly hugged Qiqi.

  "Uncle, are you here to save me?" Yu Bing gently tore off the tape on Qiqi's mouth, and Qiqi asked.

  Qiqi also recognized Yu Bing, it was the uncle who secretly cried when her father asked her to send him a box of lunch.

  "Yes, little benefactor, where is your home, I will take you back to find your parents." Yu Bing nodded and said.

  "My home is in the Jinglong Lake villa area, the largest villa." Qiqi said.

  Yu Bing nodded, afraid that Zhou Hu would wake up, so he hugged Qiqi and walked outside the construction site.

  As he walked, he paid attention to the surrounding situation, and he was afraid that there would be accomplices of the kidnappers.

  He had heard of the Jinglong Lake villa area, which was a villa that the real rich man in Yuzhou could afford, and he also understood why the kidnappers wanted to kidnap Qiqi.

  Because all the people who can live in the Jinglong Lake villa area are rich.

  At this time at the train station, Lu Chen and Du Fei waited for half an hour. Seeing that Zhou Zunfei's people hadn't sent Qiqi here, a bad premonition suddenly rose in their hearts.

  "It's been half an hour, why hasn't my daughter brought it?" Lu Chen frowned.

  Zhou Zunfei kept talking about Lu Chen until he didn't feel that half an hour had passed, and he was shocked when he heard the words.

  His move was only to get back the contract for the original stone channel. Knowing that Lu Chen was backed by Xie Weihao, he had no plans to kill Lu Chen.

  "What's the matter, people?" Zhou Zunfei asked back.

  "I'll call again, maybe there is a traffic jam," said the big guy who called before.

  Zhou Zunfei nodded, and soon the big guy said, "No one answered Zhou Hu's phone."

  " Call again." Zhou Zunfei frowned. It was only two kilometers away. He didn't believe it, and he couldn't make it. He still drove. .

  He asked Lu Chen to trade, if something went wrong, wouldn't it embarrass him.

  For some reason, Zhou Zunfei suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Chapter: 245

  "Take two brothers over to see." Zhou Zunfei said in a deep voice when he saw that the other party still couldn't make Zhou Hu's call.

  The big man nodded, and took the two of them off the train station platform.

  "Zhou Zunfei, if there is anything wrong with my daughter, I will kill you today!" Lu Chen shouted in a deep voice.

  "Are you threatening me?" Zhou Zunfei was a arrogant person, his face changed when Lu Chen threatened him.

  "You can think so. I advise you to tell me where my daughter is now. If you dare to play any tricks, I don't mind shooting you out." Lu Chen drew out his pistol and pointed at it. On Zhou Zunfei's head.

  He vaguely felt that Qiqi must have had some accident again. If it fell into the hands of other people, he could still use money or what the other party wanted to rescue Qiqi.

  But if it fell into Xiao Biqing's hands...

  he didn't dare to think anymore , the more he thought down, he only felt cold in his hands and feet.

  Seeing Lu Chen drew his guns on Zhou Zunfei's head, Zhou Zunfei's men also drew their guns at Lu Chen and Du Fei, and Du Fei also drew the pistol from his waist.

  "Leave the gun down for Lao Tzu, otherwise Lao Tzu will kill him with one shot!" Lu Chen shouted in a deep voice.

  Everyone did not dare to move a little, and they did not dare to shoot without Zhou Zunfei's order.

  "Let them put down their guns!" Lu Chen hit Zhou Zunfei's forehead and shouted in a deep voice.

  Zhou Zunfei's expression was quite ugly. He didn't expect Lu Chen to preemptively stop him first.

  Although he believed that Lu Chen did not dare to kill him.

  But that is usually.

  At this time, Lu Chen was worried that something would happen to his daughter, who knew if he would make crazy moves.

  "Put down all the guns." Zhou Zunfei took a deep breath and said to the opponent.

  Knowing that Lu Chen was so decisive, he shouldn't have been so close to Lu Chen. He regretted that he was just a little arrogant just now.

  But what worries him even more is what happened to Zhou Hu and why he hasn't come after so long, and the phone can't get through.

  At this moment he was in Lu Chen's hands. If Lu Chen's daughter really changed, he really didn't know how to explain it.

  "Does the Zuo family want to eat black?" Zhou Zunfei suddenly thought of Zuo Qingcheng.

  Zuo Qingcheng came up with this action, and Zuo Qingcheng also provided him with the position of Qiqi kindergarten, but in the end Zuo’s family did not come alone. When it comes to using 100 million, he will take it Buy the rough channel back.

  Zhou Zunfei thought it was okay. As long as Qiqi was in his hands, he believed that Lu Chen would definitely give in, so he didn't care about whether Zuo's family would come.

  Thinking about it now, he felt as if he was being used by the Zuo family.

  In fact, he thought too much.

  The Zuo family was pitted by Lu Chen several times. Whether it was Zuo Qingcheng or the Patriarch of the Zuo family, they already had a great shadow on Lu Chen. Coupled with the tragedy of the Zhang family, it was indeed impossible for them to do it for a rough channel. Fall out with Lu Chen.

  In order to prevent Lu Chen from doubting, they did not dare to participate. If Zhou Zunfei succeeded, they would rather spend 100 million to buy back the rough channel from Zhou Zunfei than take risks on Lu Chen.

  "Kick all the guns over to Lao Tzu." Du Fei shouted with the gun in his hand pointed at the crowd.

  Everyone looked at Zhou Zunfei, and when Zhou Zunfei nodded, they all kicked their guns over.

  Du Fei put away all the guns, more than a dozen in total, and then called Hu Biao and the others so that they didn't have to stay outside and let him bring some people in.

  Soon Hu Biao brought more than 20 brothers to the train station. Watching so many people were killed all at once, Zhou Zunfei couldn't help but glance at Lu Chen, feeling a little surprised.

  He originally thought that although Lu Chen had Xie Weihao's backing, he should not have anything to do with underground forces.

  Du Fei and the others saw that they were members of the underground forces, and he couldn't help but sweat.

  These people apparently just ambushed them outside. Even if he got the rough channel today, he wouldn't want to leave Yuzhou safely.

  Under Du Fei's signal, Hu Biao and others tied up all Zhou Zunfei's men.

  "Say, where is my daughter?" Lu Chen pressed his muzzle against Zhou Zunfei's forehead, and said in a deep voice.

  Zhou Zunfei's forehead was hurt by the top of his muzzle, but when he saw Lu Chen's cold eyes, he still persuaded.

  "I'll take you there." Zhou Zunfei said, spreading his hands.

  At this time, the man is a knife, he is a fish, and of course he can only be at his mercy.

  Zhou Zunfei didn't choose to take a car, but walked over. Lu Chen believed that it was definitely not far away, so he didn't drive there.

  With Hu Biao looking at those dozens of people, Du Fei also passed by with Lu Chen.

  case there is any accident, they two together, it is good to have a care.

  A few minutes later, the three people saw that the three people Zhou Zunfei had called before had come with Zhou Hu.

  At this time, blood still ran down Zhou Hu's forehead.

  But after the simple treatment, there is no major problem.

  When the four of them saw Zhou Zunfei, who had been put a gun on their head by Lu Chen, their expressions suddenly changed, and they pulled out their pistols with a bang.

  This time, without Lu Chen speaking, Zhou Zunfei hurriedly shouted, "Give me all the guns and throw them on the ground!"

  Zhou Zunfei saw that Zhou Hu was here and injured, and he knew something was wrong.

  Now he fell into Lu Chen's hands, but Lu Chen's daughter was lost in his hands. He was responsible for this matter. Maybe Lu Chen would really kill him with one shot.

  Of course, he couldn't let his subordinates anger Lu Chen.

  Upon hearing this, the four Zhou Hu threw their guns at their feet unwillingly. www.

  "Kick here." Du Fei said coldly.

  The four of them did so, and Du Fei took the opportunity to put away the four pistols.

  Lu Chen didn't see Qiqi, and his heart sank to the bottom. The veins of the hand holding the gun burst, and a strong murderous intent slowly rose.

  "What's the matter, people?" Zhou Zunfei looked at Zhou Hu with a gloomy expression, his eyes full of anger.

  Zhou Hu trembled, and took a breath before saying weakly, "Sorry, Fei Shao, I, for a moment, lost the hostage."

  "Trash! What's the matter?" Zhou Zunfei shouted angrily.

  Zhou Hu's face was a little ugly, but also a little angry. He said in embarrassment, "I took your hostage and got into the car. Who knew there was another person on the construction site. I was knocked out by him with a stick from behind. a. " "

  waste! full of big eater! this is things that are not good, I go back to see how close fit you! "Zhou compliance fly air rage, but for the land at this time was the top gun in the dust on his forehead, he would rush Kick Zhou Hu fiercely.

  "Are you sure that the other party is really a worker on the construction site?" Lu Chen asked in a deep voice.

  "Why the hell do I answer you, you count things?" Zhou Hu was feeling depressed at this time about to vomit blood, and when he heard Lu Chen's words, he immediately cursed.


  Lu Chen didn't say a word, and shot him down.

Chapter: 246

  Everyone was startled, especially Zhou Zunxi, and almost sat down in shock. They didn't expect Lu Chen to actually shoot.

  But soon they were relieved, Lu Chen fired, but it only hit Zhou Hu in the leg.

  "The next shot blasts your head, do you believe it?" Lu Chen looked at Zhou Hu, who was paralyzed on the ground and covered his left leg, with a painful expression in his eyes, with a chill in his eyes.

  Zhou Hu raised his head and glanced at Lu Chen in pain, only one glance made his mind rout.

  The murderous intent in his eyes was that he had never seen him before, even if he had killed many people, but at this moment, Lu Chen's eyes actually made him feel cold.

  Something called fear that hadn't risen in his heart for many years was slowly spreading throughout his body.

  "I don't know if he is a real worker, but when I first saw him, his eyes were scared, and even when I scolded him, his face turned pale in shock." Zhou Hu was scared and looked at Lu Lu. Chen's cold and merciless eyes finally answered Lu Chen's question.

  "You fucking want to die, don't you? Just because you scolded him, he dared to attack you from behind? And took your hostage away? Are you fucking kidding me?" Lu Chen shouted angrily , The gun was aimed at Zhou Hu.

  "Big brother, what I said is true, I don't know what nerves he was making, and he suddenly attacked me. If I knew he had the courage, I would break him with one shot." Zhou Hu was crying, he A group of people who regretted in their hearts, the boss of the underground forces in the Central Plains was actually given a hand by a brick mover, which in itself had already made him very embarrassed.

  Lu Chen saw that Zhou Hu's expression didn't seem to be fake, so he believed him for the time being. As long as Qiqi didn't fall into Xiao Biqing's hands, he was relieved.

  "Zhou Zunfei, if my daughter has a long life and two shortcomings, I will kill you first and let your entire Zhou family be buried with you!" Lu Chen glanced at Zhou Zunfei coldly, then took the phone and called Xu Zuojun.

  Whether it was Zhou Zunfei or those of Zhou Zunfei's subordinates, at this moment, Lu Chen's heartless words trembled.

  No one would doubt Lu Chen's determination.

  If they were Lu Chen, they would definitely do the same.

  "Xu Ju, my daughter seems to be in the hands of a construction site. It's about half an hour or so, at the construction site behind the old railway station in Chengxi. Well, I'm sorry to trouble you." Lu Chen put away the phone and prepared to go to the construction site first. Take a look.

  "Call them all over and look for me on the construction site." Lu Chen said to Du Fei, and walked to the construction site alone.

  Du Fei let all the others in, tied up Zhou Zunfei and others in a group, and said: "Talking about justice, you first take them all back, and show me that if there is something wrong, I will only be you. Asked."

  Liu Yi nodded and said: "Okay."

  Then he called a group of brothers to escort Zhou Zunfei and the others to the car back to Sakura.

  And Du Fei took other people to the construction site to find Qiqi.

  Of course, when they went to the construction site, they called all the forces that could be called, no matter what method they used, even if they dig the ground three late, they must find Qiqi.

  "Brother, which underground force are you from?" In the car, Zhou Zunfei asked Liu Yi, who was watching him personally.

  Liu Yi looked back at Zhou Zunfei, and said jokingly: "Why, want to inquire about the news?"

  Zhou Zunfei smiled awkwardly, and said: "Brother is suspicious, I am from Central Plains. It's useless to inquire about your news, right? I'm just a little curious, why do you all listen to Lu Chen so much?"

  Liu Yi sneered: "Do you want to know the answer? I might as well tell you, Lu Shao and our boss Du are brothers, and Lu Shao's real energy is not you at all. If you can see it through, do you think that Shao Lu is relying on Xie Shujie behind him? Haha, let me tell you the truth, let alone you guys from other places, even our local four big families dare not provoke Shao Lu easily. In front of them, they all have to be human with their tails between them."

  Lu Chen is so awesome?

  When Zhou Zunfei and the others heard it, they all took a deep breath.

  At this time, they knew what kind of existence they provoked.

  That kid is a great figure who is completely above the four big families in Yuzhou.

  Listening to his accent, he is a standard person from Beijing, is he from a big family in Beijing?

  Zhou Zunfei suddenly regretted it, but it was just a rough channel, he shouldn't have come to risk it.

  At this time, he finally understood why the Zuo family didn't dare to fight Lu Chen back to the original stone channel.

  Because their Zuo family didn't dare to provoke Lu Chen at all.

  "Damn, Zuo Qingcheng dug a hole for Lao Tzu to jump, grass!" Zhou Zunfei cursed fiercely in his heart.

  He should have known that Lu Chen could not provoke him, but at this time it was useless to regret it. He could only pray that Lu Chen's daughter would be fine, otherwise Lu Chen said he would kill him, and he had no doubts.


  At this time, on the bus going to Ma'anshan, Yu Bing was taking Qiqi, preparing to send Qiqi back to the Jinglong Lake Villa area.

  This is not the rush hour and there are not many buses.

  Yu Bing has been telling stories to Qiqi. Not long after, a smile appeared on Qiqi's face. It was obvious that she had trusted Yu Bing.

  "What's your name?" Yu Bing asked Qiqi.

  "My name is Lu Qiqi." Qiqi said.

  "Where's your father?" Yu Bing asked curiously, thinking of the young man in the park who turned his head and smiled at him that night.

  "My dad's name is Lu Chen. My dad is a big boss and rich. He often buys me many beautiful toys." Speaking of her dad, Qiqi was proud.

  Lu Chen?

  Is that the owner of that small supermarket?

  Yu Bing was startled. He thought of a small supermarket owner who had donated 100 million yuan during the earthquake, which became a hot news in Yuzhou in those few days.

  At the time, the news also mentioned the owner of the small supermarket, Lu Chen, who was also a young man in his 20s.

  "It should be him, Yuzhou's youngest rich man, supermarket owner, and a young man in his 20s, also called Lu Chen." Yu Bing guessed in his heart.

  Yu Bing was suddenly agitated. He saved Qiqi. He believed that Lu Chen would definitely thank him. He even felt that Lu Chen might give himself a lot of money.

  "But he used to help me when I was in the most difficult time, even if he gave me hundreds of thousands, I couldn’t ask for the money. If he had to give it, I Just say that he has already given it, and I won't pay him the five thousand dollars he gave me." Yu Bing thought this way, and the bus arrived at the stop.

  The bus was still some distance away from Jinglong Lake, and Yu Bing had to hug Qiqi and walk towards Jinglong Lake.

  Suddenly, an A8 stopped next to Yu Bing. Before Yu Bing could react, he saw a big man getting off the car, with a palm cut on the back of the soldier's neck.

  Yu Bing snorted, only to look back at the big man, and he fell softly.

  Then the big man hugged Kiki and got on A8, then A8 started and walked away.

Chapter: 247

  "Lu Chen, if there is something wrong with Qiqi, I will fight you hard!" Outside the police station, Lin Yijun stared at Lu Chen fiercely, his eyes almost red from crying.

  She got off work early today, thinking that she hadn't picked up Qiqi for many days, so she went to pick up Qiqi herself, and then she learned the news that Qiqi had been taken away in the morning.

  She called Lu Chen at that time, and Lu Chen told her the truth.

  After thinking about it all day, Lin Yijun has not found her daughter yet, since Lin Yijun is worried, she is also afraid.

  All this is because of Lu Chen. If Lu Chen hadn't offended someone, how could someone have taken Qiqi away.

  Lu Chen was smoking a cigarette silently, feeling very upset.

  After watching the traffic video, someone took Qiqi on the bus and went to the Jinglong Lake community.

  There is no camera installed in the two kilometers of Jinglong Lake Villa area. I don't know what happened behind.

  That person Lu Chen looked familiar, but he was anxious. He didn't expect that the other party was the person he had helped before.

  "The one named Yu Bing has already been caught, and they are bringing him back." Xu Zuojun came out and lit a cigarette.

  "Where is Qiqi, are you with him?" Lu Chen asked excitedly.

  Xu Zuojun shook his head.

  Lu Chen was a little disappointed, and he became more worried.

  After Yu Bing was taken to the game, he recognized Qiqi, knocked out Zhou Hu and rescued Qiqi and other things were all said about it. Hearing his explanation, Lu Chen knew Qiqi. It was indeed taken away by others.

  But Yu Bing didn't know who had robbed Qiqi.

  But this made Lu Chen feel more uneasy.

  Because he thought of Xiao Biqing's people, and he thought of Mr. Mu who they had been looking for.

  "I don't care who you are, as long as you dare to hurt my daughter, I will definitely want you to die without a place to be buried!"

  Lu Chen gritted his teeth, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

  There was nothing for a night, both the police officer and Du Fei's people were helping to find Qiqi's whereabouts.

  Lu Chen and Lin Yijun also stayed up all night.

  It wasn't until nine o'clock in the morning when he went out for breakfast, Lu Chen finally received a strange call.

  The caller was a stranger, but he had a Yuzhou accent.

  Although the other party deliberately changed his voice, Lu Chen could still hear it.

  "If you want to save your daughter, apply to the Yuanshi Association before one in the afternoon to represent the Yuzhou Yuanshi Association to participate in the rock gambling competition in Zhonghai." The

  other party said that he hung up the phone without even giving Lu Chen a chance to question.

  Rough Stone Association?

  Stone betting contest?

  Lu Chen narrowed his eyes, and he thought for the first time whether someone from the Original Stone Association kidnapped Qiqi.

  But soon he shook his head. He didn't believe that the Rough Stone Association could do this kind of thing.

  I don't believe they dare to do this.

  This is obviously the other party's strategy.

  But what is the meaning of this?

  Lu Chen rubbed his temples, racking his brains, and didn't think of what the other party meant.

  "Who called?" Lin Yijun asked.

  "The other party," Lu Chen said softly.

  "The one who hijacked Qiqi?" Lin Yijun asked hurriedly.

  "Yeah." Lu Chen nodded.

  "What do they say, how much does it cost? No matter how much money is required, you must give it to them, have you heard!" Lin Yijun said in a deep voice.

  "They just want money." Lu Chen said bitterly.

  If the other party asks for money, no matter if the other party wants hundreds of millions or billions, he will not blink, but the other party wants him to represent Yuzhou to participate in the rock gambling contest. He has no idea what the other party is doing.

  Seeing Lin Yiyun looking at himself suspiciously, Lu Chen continued: "They want me to represent Yuzhou to participate in the stone gambling contest in Zhonghai."

  "Participating in the stone gambling contest?" Lin Yiyun was also stunned. What logic is this?

  Lu Chen nodded, and sent the number to Xu Zuojun: "Help me find out what the other party's name is and where did you call?"

  Xu Zuojun in the bureau received Lu Chen's message and immediately asked someone to check the number. The result came out.

  It is a card number without a real-name system.

  He tried to make a call, but it showed that it was turned off.

  After Lu Chen received the message from Xu Zuojun, he stopped thinking about it. He planned to go to the original stone association. He now only did what the other party wanted.

  At ten o'clock in the morning, Lu Chen arrived at the Rough Stone Association.

  In the Original Stone Association, Lu Chen saw three masters, Yu Zhengtao, Huang Youjun, and Lei Mingchao. He also saw Zuo Zhengyi, the old man of the Zuo family, Zhang Shengqiao, the old man of the Zhang family, and Liu Qifu, the old man of the Liu family.

  His eyes swept across everyone's faces, and everyone was looking at him.

  "Xiao Lu, come, come, sit down." Huang Youjun said somewhat unexpectedly. www.

  They are thinking about this Zhonghai Yuanshi event, they should send someone to it. This is to represent Yuzhou. The three masters know their own strength. They can dominate the party in Yuzhou, but they are out of Yuzhou. It won't work.

  So none of the three of them wanted to lose face.

  Unexpectedly, Lu Chen came to the door.

  Even the two masters Yu Zhengtao and Lei Mingchao, who had always been prejudiced against Lu Chen before, no longer had their faces tied.

  "Brother Lu, are you going to represent us in Yuzhou to participate in the original stone event in China Shipping?" Liu Qifu, the old man of the Liu family, looked at Lu Chen expectantly.

  Even though Lu Chen was very young, but there was a big man like Xie Weihao standing behind him, Liu Qifu didn't dare to ask for it.

  Moreover, he can't underestimate the young man who can make the Zhang family almost unstoppable by himself.

  The two old men Zuo Zhengyi and Zhang Shengqiao were also looking at Lu Chen, but Zhang Shengqiao's eyes looked at Lu Chen somewhat hostile.

  This is not surprising, after all, Lu Chen had previously embarrassed his Zhang Family, losing several billions, and even vomiting blood into his anger. It was strange that he had a good impression of Lu Chen.

  Hearing Liu Qifu's words, Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, wondering if they really kidnapped Qiqi and then used Qiqi to force me to Zhonghai?

  "If you are not afraid that I will shame the Yuzhou Raw Stone Association, I can play." Lu Chen raised his eyebrows and said.

  "How come, Xiao Lu, to tell you the truth, we were the first to think of you when we received the invitation from the China Overseas Stone Association." Huang Youjun smiled excitedly.

  When they received this invitation a few days ago, they had indeed thought about asking Lu Chen to do it.

  But Yu Zhengtao and Lei Mingchao were unwilling to put aside their faces and ask Lu Chen, Huang Youjun had no bottom in his heart, and was a little afraid of being rejected by Lu Chen.

  After all, before Lin Dahai invited him to eat Lu Chen's moving wine, he already knew that Lu Chen was an authentic businessman, unlike them, who had dedicated his entire life to the research of Rough Stone.

  He wanted to invite Lu Chen to the game for them, but he had no bottom in his heart, so he didn't call Lu Chen.

  When Liu Qifu and the three old men saw Lu Chen agree to the battle, their faces also showed smiles.

  Lu Chen had easily defeated Zheng Xihe, who was ranked third in the country, at the Zuojia antique event. Lu Chen was willing to make a move. Everyone saw the hope of Yuzhou becoming famous in the first battle.

Chapter: 248

  The fact that Lu Chen represented Yuzhou went to China Sea Cucumber to return to the stone gambling competition was quickly announced by the Rough Stone Association through the media. When Lu Chen was introduced, they even defeated Zheng Xihe at the Zuojia antique event. The thing is also said.

  Suddenly, all people interested in antiques and rough stones were full of expectations. More jewelers and antique lovers expressed their willingness to follow to Zhonghai to witness Lu Chen's victory.

  The Zhonghai Stone Gambling Competition started on June 20, and there were still two days left. During these two days, Lu Chen did not stop looking for Qiqi's whereabouts.

  But Qiqi was like not in Yuzhou. He used all the energy and all the relationships without any news.

  Just as he was about to set off for Zhonghai, he received another call from a stranger, in which he told him that he must win the championship for Yuzhou this time.

  Lu Chen didn’t have any pressure on this. The first player in the national gambling platoon was Yun Lao, and his strength was no longer under Yun Lao. He believed that Yun Lao would definitely not participate in such a boring game, as long as Yun Lao didn’t make a move. , He has absolute confidence to win the championship.

  Lu Chen immediately sent Xu Zuojun the number again, but the result was the same as last time.

  From the original stone association, Huang Youjun and Lu Chen went to Zhonghai, but to Lu Chen's surprise, there was another person walking with them.

  This person is Chen Churan's best friend Lan Ling.

  "Boss Lu, don't mind going to Zhonghai with you." Lan Ling smiled sweetly.

  Lu Chen had a stall. What did he mind, he was just curious about what Lan Ling had been doing in Yuzhou.

  Chen Churan's best friend was definitely not an ordinary person. He remembered that he saw Lan Ling for the first time, and it was at Chen Churan's reception for a long time.

  Of course, maybe they came to Yuzhou for the second time, or maybe they came to Yuzhou to start a company for development or something, so Lu Chen didn't think much.

  "Master Huang, here are the tickets, let's get ready to board the plane." Lan Ling took out three tickets and gave Huang Youjun and Lu Chen two of them.

  Lu Chen realized that Lan Ling had booked the ticket.

  He thought that all of this was done by the Rough Stone Association itself.

  On the plane, when Lan Ling went to the bathroom, Huang Youjun explained to Lu Chen: "This competition is sponsored by Miss Blue. Besides, as long as we win the championship, she will also represent the Lan family to our Rough Stone Association. Sponsored 10 million."

  "The Lan family is from Yuzhou too?" Lu Chen asked.

  "No, it's the Lan family in Central Plains, but I heard that they seem to want to open a jewelry store in Yuzhou, I don't know if it is true." Huang Youjun shook his head and said.

  Lu Chen nodded. In this case, it made sense.

  The Lan family wants to come to Yuzhou to open a jewelry store. When the time comes, they will use the Rough Stone Association to create momentum for them. It will definitely be better than they invite celebrities to advertise.

  After all, Huang Youjun and other three masters in the original stone association are more famous in the original stone world than many stars.

  "Let's take a rest." Huang Youjun said when Lu Chen didn't seem to want to chat.

  Lu Chen nodded, then leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes to rest. Huang Youjun also closed his eyes to rest.

  Not long after, Lan Ling came out of the bathroom and found that the two people in the row in front of Lu Chen and Huang Youjun were talking loudly, frowned, and said, "Excuse me, both of my friends are resting. Will you be a little quieter when you are chatting?"

  Her tone and demeanor were more polite, but the two seemed to be a little dissatisfied with Lan Ling's sudden interruption.

  In the front row of Lu Chen were two young men, a man and a woman. They looked like they were all children of a wealthy family.

  "What does it matter to you when we chat? Who ruled that you can't chat on the plane? Besides, if you are too noisy, you can buy your own private jet." The woman is still pretty, but at this time she looks a bit disgusting.

  She looked at Lan Ling. Although Lan Ling was wearing a pair of wide-brimmed sunglasses, she was not wearing a big foreign brand. She suddenly felt that Lan Ling was nothing but ordinary people.

  "I just want you to keep your voice down." Lan Ling continued.

  The man raised his head and hit Lan Ling, and asked jokingly: "Is that enough, is that enough?"

  He deliberately increased his mind a little, his eyes were full of provocative charm.

  Lan Ling also remained polite, but the woman stood up and stared at Lan Ling and said, "If you don't have the ability to buy a private jet, just shut up, this is not your nosy place."

  Lan Ling frowned slightly, but the glasses were blocked, and the two of them couldn't see. He only heard the man sarcastically: "Xia Yi, you value her too much, do you think anyone can afford a private jet? Leave her alone and we continue to talk.

  Ours ." The man is called Zhai Jun, from Zhonghai. Both his family and Xia Yi's family run companies, and their family conditions are very good, so they look down on others at all.

  And he was pursuing Xia Yi, and he wanted to show off in front of Xia Yi, so of course he wouldn't listen to Lan Ling.

  "Yes, what's the strength to follow a woman, it's boring." Xia Yi sneered and sat down again, not putting Lan Ling in his eyes at all.

  "I just hope that your voice can be a little lower when you are chatting. Is this difficult?" Lan Ling frowned.

  "Is bullshit, believe me or not? Do you think you are a woman, I dare not beat you?"

  Zhai Jun was immediately unhappy. He felt that Lan Ling was deliberately finding fault. Can't chat on the plane?

  The most important thing is that he is pursuing Xia Yi, how can he show a cowardly side in front of Xia Yi.

  Do you think they are loud?

  Isn't this underpick?

  Zhai Jun stood up, staring at Lan Ling fiercely.

  Lan Ling was taken aback by Zhai Jun's momentum, and subconsciously stepped back two steps. In a panic, his glasses fell to the ground.

  Seeing the real Lan Ling, Zhai Jun was stunned.

  Although Xia Yi is pretty, in front of Lan Ling's beautiful face, she is the difference between a princess and a maid.

  Of course, Lan Ling is a princess, and the Xia Yi he pursues is a maid.

  At this moment, the anger on Zhai Jun's face melted, and his heart was pounding.

  Obviously, Lan Ling has never seen a few beautiful women.

  Lan Ling bent down to pick up the glasses, and at this time one hand picked up the glasses before her.

  "Thank you." Lan Ling took the glasses from Lu Chen and whispered.

  "Are you okay?" Lu Chen asked.

  He didn't want to care about this matter, and he was not in the mood to care about it.

  But Lan Ling provoked the young men and women to give him and Huang Youjun a good rest, so when the man got up and threatened Lan Ling, he had to come forward.

Chapter: 249

  The fact that Lu Chen represented Yuzhou went to China Sea Cucumber to return to the stone gambling competition was quickly announced by the Rough Stone Association through the media. When Lu Chen was introduced, they even defeated Zheng Xihe at the Zuojia antique event. The thing is also said.

  Suddenly, all people interested in antiques and rough stones were full of expectations. More jewelers and antique lovers expressed their willingness to follow to Zhonghai to witness Lu Chen's victory.

  The Zhonghai Stone Gambling Competition started on June 20, and there were still two days left. During these two days, Lu Chen did not stop looking for Qiqi's whereabouts.

  But Qiqi was like not in Yuzhou. He used all the energy and all the relationships without any news.

  Just as he was about to set off for Zhonghai, he received another call from a stranger, in which he told him that he must win the championship for Yuzhou this time.

  Lu Chen didn’t have any pressure on this. The first player in the national gambling platoon was Yun Lao, and his strength was no longer under Yun Lao. He believed that Yun Lao would definitely not participate in such a boring game, as long as Yun Lao didn’t make a move. , He has absolute confidence to win the championship.

  Lu Chen immediately sent Xu Zuojun the number again, but the result was the same as last time.

  From the original stone association, Huang Youjun and Lu Chen went to Zhonghai, but to Lu Chen's surprise, there was another person walking with them.

  This person is Chen Churan's best friend Lan Ling.

  "Boss Lu, don't mind going to Zhonghai with you." Lan Ling smiled sweetly.

  Lu Chen had a stall. What did he mind, he was just curious about what Lan Ling had been doing in Yuzhou.

  Chen Churan's best friend was definitely not an ordinary person. He remembered that he saw Lan Ling for the first time, and it was at Chen Churan's reception for a long time.

  Of course, maybe they came to Yuzhou for the second time, or maybe they came to Yuzhou to start a company for development or something, so Lu Chen didn't think much.

  "Master Huang, here are the tickets, let's get ready to board the plane." Lan Ling took out three tickets and gave Huang Youjun and Lu Chen two of them.

  Lu Chen realized that Lan Ling had booked the ticket.

  He thought that all of this was done by the Rough Stone Association itself.

  On the plane, when Lan Ling went to the bathroom, Huang Youjun explained to Lu Chen: "This competition is sponsored by Miss Blue. Besides, as long as we win the championship, she will also represent the Lan family to our Rough Stone Association. Sponsored 10 million."

  "The Lan family is from Yuzhou too?" Lu Chen asked.

  "No, it's the Lan family in Central Plains, but I heard that they seem to want to open a jewelry store in Yuzhou, I don't know if it is true." Huang Youjun shook his head and said.

  Lu Chen nodded. In this case, it made sense.

  The Lan family wants to come to Yuzhou to open a jewelry store. When the time comes, they will use the Rough Stone Association to create momentum for them. It will definitely be better than they invite celebrities to advertise.

  After all, Huang Youjun and other three masters in the original stone association are more famous in the original stone world than many stars.

  "Let's take a rest." Huang Youjun said when Lu Chen didn't seem to want to chat.

  Lu Chen nodded, then leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes to rest. Huang Youjun also closed his eyes to rest.

  Not long after, Lan Ling came out of the bathroom and found that the two people in the row in front of Lu Chen and Huang Youjun were talking loudly, frowned, and said, "Excuse me, both of my friends are resting. Will you be a little quieter when you are chatting?"

  Her tone and demeanor were more polite, but the two seemed to be a little dissatisfied with Lan Ling's sudden interruption.

  In the front row of Lu Chen were two young men, a man and a woman. They looked like they were all children of a wealthy family.

  "What does it matter to you when we chat? Who ruled that you can't chat on the plane? Besides, if you are too noisy, you can buy your own private jet." The woman is still pretty, but at this time she looks a bit disgusting.

  She looked at Lan Ling. Although Lan Ling was wearing a pair of wide-brimmed sunglasses, she was not wearing a big foreign brand. She suddenly felt that Lan Ling was nothing but ordinary people.

  "I just want you to keep your voice down." Lan Ling continued.

  The man raised his head and hit Lan Ling, and asked jokingly: "Is that enough, is that enough?"

  He deliberately increased his mind a little, his eyes were full of provocative charm.

  Lan Ling also remained polite, but the woman stood up and stared at Lan Ling and said, "If you don't have the ability to buy a private jet, just shut up, this is not your nosy place."

  Lan Ling frowned slightly, but the glasses were blocked, and the two of them couldn't see. He only heard the man sarcastically: "Xia Yi, you value her too much, do you think anyone can afford a private jet? Leave her alone and we continue to talk.

  Ours ." The man is called Zhai Jun, from Zhonghai. Both his family and Xia Yi's family run companies, and their family conditions are very good, so they look down on others at all.

  And he was pursuing Xia Yi, and he wanted to show off in front of Xia Yi, so of course he wouldn't listen to Lan Ling.

  "Yes, what's the strength to follow a woman, it's boring." Xia Yi sneered and sat down again, not putting Lan Ling in his eyes at all.

  "I just hope that your voice can be a little lower when you are chatting. Is this difficult?" Lan Ling frowned.

  "Is bullshit, believe me or not? Do you think you are a woman, I dare not beat you?"

  Zhai Jun was immediately unhappy. He felt that Lan Ling was deliberately finding fault. Can't chat on the plane?

  The most important thing is that he is pursuing Xia Yi, how can he show a cowardly side in front of Xia Yi.

  Do you think they are loud?

  Isn't this underpick?

  Zhai Jun stood up, staring at Lan Ling fiercely.

  Lan Ling was taken aback by Zhai Jun's momentum, and subconsciously stepped back two steps. In a panic, his glasses fell to the ground.

  Seeing the real Lan Ling, Zhai Jun was stunned.

  Although Xia Yi is pretty, in front of Lan Ling's beautiful face, she is the difference between a princess and a maid.

  Of course, Lan Ling is a princess, and the Xia Yi he pursues is a maid.

  At this moment, the anger on Zhai Jun's face melted, and his heart was pounding.

  Obviously, Lan Ling has never seen a few beautiful women.

  Lan Ling bent down to pick up the glasses, and at this time one hand picked up the glasses before her.

  "Thank you." Lan Ling took the glasses from Lu Chen and whispered.

  "Are you okay?" Lu Chen asked.

  He didn't want to care about this matter, and he was not in the mood to care about it.

  But Lan Ling provoked the young men and women to give him and Huang Youjun a good rest, so when the man got up and threatened Lan Ling, he had to come forward.

Chapter: 250

  "It's okay." Lan Ling shook his head.

  Lu Chen didn't want to worry about it, but when he saw the aggrieved look in Lan Ling's eyes, he sighed and looked at Zhai Jun again.

  Seeing Zhai Jun being startled by Lan Ling's beauty at this time, he felt a little contemptuous.

  "What kind of a man to use force on a woman? Does she ask you to talk quietly?" Lu Chen asked in a deep voice.

  "Who are you? What's the matter with you? If you don't want to be beaten, let Laozi stay away." Being despised by Lu Chen, Zhai Jun stopped doing it immediately. He had a hot temper, and even Lan Ling had to do it. Lu Chen was still a man.

  Lu Chen sneered and slapped Zhai Jun's face with a slap. Before Zhai Jun looked back, he grabbed Zhai Jun by the collar and lifted him up.

  "Just you little crippled man, dare you call me Laozi?"

  Lu Chen snorted and slapped Zhai Jun's face again.

  He was in a bad mood, and Zhai Jun dared to provoke him, it was almost death.

  Although there were not many passengers in the first-class cabin, they were all shocked at this time and stood up to look at the dispute in front of them.


  Before Zhai Jun finished speaking, he received another slap in the face.

  Lu Chen no longer kept his hands this time, and the slap on the face made the world quiet.

  Zhai Jun was completely stunned. The blood-red fingerprints on his face made him a little confused.

  "Why are you hitting someone?" Xia Yi looked at Lu Chen coldly and shouted.

  Lu Chen looked back at Xia Yi with just a look, and immediately made Xia Yi shut his mouth obediently.

  At this time Xia Yi only felt cold all over, and Lu Chen's eyes made her almost lost, and her face turned pale.

  There are passengers

  who know Zhai Jun and Xia Yi "This guy is finished

  , he will definitely not be able to get off the plane." "Why, he is so strong, who dares to embarrass him?"

  "Don’t you know, the young man who was beaten by him was called Zhai Jun, the son of Zhai Yaohui, a real estate tycoon in China Overseas Real Estate, and the woman was called Xia Yi, the daughter of the boss of the Xia Group. He beat Zhai Jun and threatened After Xia Yi, will the Zhai Xia family let him go?"

  "Zhai Yaohui, that's no wonder, that is our famous real estate agent in Zhonghai. I heard that he has raised a group of people and is dedicated to demolition for him. No one dared to provoke."

  "Well, it means that the group of people he raised is from underground forces, and it is lawless, so I dare to conclude that this kid will definitely be pill after getting off the plane."

  Hearing everyone's words, Huang Youjun's face Shang suddenly revealed a worried look.

  He knew that Lu Chen was not easy to follow in Yuzhou, but if he went to someone else's site, it would be hard to say, he couldn't help but persuade: "Xiao Lu, or just forget it."

  Even Lan Ling frowned. , I didn’t expect the other party to have such an identity. As soon as she was about to persuade Lu Chen, she listened to Zhai Jun’s cold voice: "Have you heard? My dad is Zhai Yaohui. If you don’t want to die, let go, otherwise you will get off the plane. "

  He mentioned Lao Tzu again, and Lu Chen raised his hand and slapped it again, "Is Zhai Yaohui very strong? If he is so strong, why did you give birth to this trash?"

  Although the strong dragon does not suppress the snake, Lu Chen knows in his heart. It's very difficult. Zhai Yaohui wants to deal with him, but there are two methods, one is to rely on the government to pressure him, and the other is to let the underground forces do him.

  He didn't care about the first method. He believed that Zhai Yaohui would not be able to do so, unless Zhai Yaohui knew his identity. As for the second method, he didn't care about it.

  It just so happened that he was holding back his anger and daring to provoke him. He didn't mind the bloodbath overwhelming the entire Zhonghai underground forces.

  He was slapped again by Lu Chen, and even more disdainfully turned into rubbish. Zhai Jun vomited blood, but he was indeed frightened by Lu Chen, staring at him and stopped talking.

  At this time, they finally alerted the police. The two police officers dared to come over and asked loudly, "What are you doing? Why don't you let go?" www.Lu

  Chen released Zhai Jun and slapped Zhai Jun a few times. His anger has also vented a little, and there is no need to care about him anymore.

  Zhai Jun complained to the police officer: "He intentionally wounded people. I remember that if you were right, he intentionally wounded people on the plane to disqualify you for taking the flight." The

  police officer seemed to know Zhai Jun. , This kid violated laws and regulations, we will never spare him lightly."

  Zhai Jun took the tissue that Xia Yi handed over, wiped the bloodshot from the corner of his mouth, and said coldly, "Boy, I won't play with you after getting off the plane. My surname is not Zhai."

  Lu Chen sat back in his seat, closed his eyes and raised his mind, how could he care about these innocuous threats.

  When everyone saw Lu Chen's appearance, they all shook their heads.

  This kid is so arrogant, he doesn't even give face when the police arrive, he is looking for death.

  "Take out your ID card." The policeman was also annoyed by Lu Chen's arrogance, and said in a deep voice.

  "Comrade, this is just a misunderstanding..." Huang Youjun excused Lu Chen.

  "Misunderstanding? Is the face swollen, or is it a misunderstanding? Such people must be severely punished, or who would dare to take our company's flight in the future." The policeman said coldly.

  "I'll talk about it when I get off the plane, don't bother me to rest now." Lu Chen slowly opened his eyes and looked at the policeman with cold eyes.

  Seeing Lu Chen's cold eyes, the guard was shocked, and he nodded subconsciously.

  Everyone opened their eyes wide and looked at this scene in disbelief.

  The policeman reacted, but he didn't know why, he was still a little worried about Lu Chen, what he wanted to say, and finally left in shock.

  Lan Ling looked at Lu Chen silently, his eyes flickering, sometimes worried, sometimes scared, sometimes regretful, as if there was something in his heart that kept her fighting between heaven and man.

  Zhai Jun was not reconciled. He didn't expect that the policemen were also afraid of Lu Chen, causing his anger to surge again.

  "After getting off the plane, if I don't kill him, my damn name will not be Zhai!" Zhai Jun said angrily after sitting down.

  "If you don't get this face back, I really despise you." Xia Yi said indifferently.

  She doesn't like a weak and incompetent man.

  Zhai Jun mind startled, quickly said: "Shay, do not worry, got off the plane, that is my site, even if he is a dragon, to my site, I have to give to crawl!"

  "Ah, that time do not Let me down. Let me help you too. He dare to hit you on the plane. This matter can't be left alone. I must ask the airline to cancel his flight qualification." Xia Yi nodded and said .

  "But the policemen were scared away by him." Zhai Jun said in disbelief.

  Xia Yi joked and said, "My dad and the captain are good friends. When I get off the plane, I will call my dad to prepare that guy can't get out of the airport."

  "Really? That's great, first disgusting. Click on that guy, and then I'll call someone to take him in."

  Zhai Jun was immediately excited.
