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Royal Dragon Husband Chapters 421-427 (Born to be a Dragon) (Chinese Translated)

Chapter: 421

After being scalded by boiling tea, Guan Chuyi immediately became more honest. Although the look in Chen Feng's eyes was still bitter, he didn't dare to say anything harsh in front of everyone.

At the same time, three black cars drove out side by side in Tomson Yipin, a well-known wealthy area in Zhonghai City.

In front of the road is a Mercedes-Benz S600.

In the back is a Range Rover Range Rover.

Guarded by these two cars in the middle is a black Rolls Royce.

In the back row of Rolls-Royce, a handsome young man in a Gucci limited edition shirt was smoking a cigar leisurely and looking out the window.

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Compared with the leisurely youth, the middle-aged man in a suit sitting next to him is a little restless: "Master, the master said, you can't go out these days..."

"Uncle Funing..." The

youth Deliberately stretched the tail, and looked a little dissatisfied.

After a while, he calmed down again: "Uncle Funing, I will go out for a while to help my friend pack something that doesn't have eyesight, and I will come back. I promise you that I will never get into trouble this time.

" Master, this is not a question of not causing trouble, but the master set a rule for me. You must stay at home for fifteen days to go out this time. If you dare to go out without permission in these fifteen days, the master will not let it go. My..." Wan Funing was very helpless, why his young master still didn't understand the importance of the matter, and the people he provoked this time were different from the past.

"Uncle Funing, the rules are dead, and people are alive. I'll go out for a while. If you don't tell Dad, you won't get it." The young man vomited a smoke ring a little bit indifferently. In his opinion, This time my father's decision was purely a fuss. Chu Celadon had more friends, so how could one emerge randomly, an existence that their Bai family couldn't afford.

"But..." Wan Funing wanted to persuade again, but the young man was a little impatient: "Don't worry, Uncle Funing, if my dad finds out, you tell him that I will come out this time for Guan Zhong Fei's son is supporting the market, and my dad will understand."

"Guan Zhongfei?"

Wan Funing was taken aback: "Is it Guan Zhongfei from Jiangdong?"

"Yes." The young man nodded.

"Master, how did you meet Guan Zhongfei's son?" Wan Funing was a little curious. Guan Zhongfei's son was nothing but Guan Zhongfei was the chief steward of the Jin family, the most powerful family in Jiangdong Province. According to rumors, he had Saved the life of the current Patriarch of the Jin family, and had no rebellion with the current family of the Jin family, and felt like brothers and sisters.

If you can get Guan Zhongfei's line through Guan Zhongfei's son, and go a step further and get a relationship with the Jin family, then your master's contribution this time will be great.

Jiangdong Jin Family, that is no less inferior to the four major families in Zhonghai. If the Bai Family can get in touch with the Jin Family, it will surely be able to go further and advance to another level.

"I met at Mingmen Club." Bai Wenli said lazily: "Guan Zhongfei's son said he wanted to come to Zhonghai for development, but his foundation was too shallow, so I organized a dinner at Mingmen Club and gave him a few tips. Brothers in this circle..."

"So it turned out to be like this." Wan Funing nodded lightly, instantly understanding.

The Bai family wanted to use Guan Zhongfei's hand to get a relationship with the Jin family, but Guan Zhongfei's son also wanted to use the Bai family's hand to integrate into Zhonghai's circle.

The two have their own needs, and Bai Wenli is also well-known this time.

Looking back, even if Bai Xiaotian asked the guilt, he could still give Bai Xiaotian an explanation.

A few minutes later, three luxury cars stopped at the gate of Jiangmanlou.

Seven or eight wearing black suits and bodyguards with headsets got out of the car. They scanned the surrounding corners with falcon-like gazes. After removing all the surrounding dangerous factors, they walked to the front of Bai Wenli’s car. Opened the car door for Bai Wenli.

Bai Wenli Shi Shiran got out of the car and then took out his mobile phone.

"Brother Guan, I'm here."

"Young Master Bai, are you here?!"

In the box, Guan Chuyi's expression was immediately surprised. He didn't expect that Bai Wenli would come so quickly!

Without waiting for Bai Wenli to speak, Guan Chuyi said flatteringly: "Bai Shao, wait for a while, and I will come down to pick you up."

"Okay." Bai Wenli smiled faintly. Before coming, he was worried that Guan Chuyi would do something. Not correcting his position, now it seems that his worries are purely redundant, and Chu Yi's attitude towards him is very respectful.

He likes it very much.

After hanging up the phone, Guan Chuyi turned his gaze to Chen Feng. His expression was both excited and hideous: "Dog bastard, Young Master Bai is downstairs now, you are not far from death!"

Chen Feng smiled slightly: " Really? I'll wait and see."

"Bai Shao?"

"Who is Bai Shao?"

Compared to Chen Feng's sitting still on the Diaoyutai, the others in the box were a little uneasy.

After all, regardless of Chu Yi's previous flattering attitude, they all saw it.

The person who can make Guan Chuyi so low-handed is bound to be too small.

Who is he?

"Young Master Bai? Could it be the son of jeweler Bai Xiaotian?!" Suddenly, someone exclaimed.

Suddenly caused an uproar.

"The son of the jewellery tycoon Bai Xiaotian?! How could this be possible?!"

"How can it be impossible? In Zhonghai, although there are many people surnamed Bai, it may be that Guan Chuyi, the Jiangdong young man, is treated so respectfully. I am afraid that only Bai Wenli is the only one. . " "

but if that is true, how qualified tube Chu Yi know him? "Some people are still skeptical, that tube Chu Yi Bai oak not qualified to know.

Manager Huang also had a look of suspicion, Bai Wenli's name, he knew it, but how did Chuyi know Bai Wenli, logically speaking, the two were not of the same grade at all.

Although Chu Yi had a big head, he was a fart in front of Bai Wenli, the top young master in Zhonghai.

Before the head of Huang Jing's idea fell, Guan Chuyi's figure appeared again at the door of the box.

This time behind him, there was a handsome young man wearing a limited edition Gucci shirt.

Seeing this handsome young man, Manager Huang's brain suddenly went blank.

It's over, this is over, it's really Bai Wenli!

Guan Chuyi’s classmates also took a breath at this moment. The young man in front of him, I am afraid, is really Bai Wenli. Even if he is not, he will not be far away, because his dignity of being the only one in the world is not what ordinary people can do. own.

For a while, everyone looked at Chen Feng with sympathy.

With Bai Wenli, one of the top youngsters in China Sea, is the leader of Chu Yi, and Chen Feng will lose his skin even if he is not dead this time.

As if for fear of being implicated by Chen Feng, everyone began to move away from Chen Feng without a trace.

Among the crowd, only Xiao Wei's expression was very strange: "Brother Feng, how could it be Bai Wenli?"

"Who knows?" Chen Feng's mouth raised a joking smile. Destiny is sometimes so wonderful, even him. Unexpectedly, Guan Chuyi's Buddha would be Bai Wenli.

Chapter: 422

There were many people in the box, so Bai Wenli did not see Chen Feng the first time after entering the box.

But Guan Chuyi had already begun to yell loudly at this time: "Dog bastard, get out of me!"

"Are you sure you want me to get out?" Chen Feng's playful voice sounded in the box.

Hearing this voice, Bai Wenli, who had originally looked carelessly, suddenly snorted in his heart, showing a bad premonition.

But Guan Chuyi didn't realize it at all, and still smirked to himself: "Hey, bastard, are you afraid of it?"

" If you are afraid , kneel down for Laozi, knock your head ten times, and let your woman Stay with Lao Tzu and Young Bai for one night. If they can comfortably serve Lao Tzu and Young Bai, maybe Lao Tzu can spare you..."

"Shut up!"

Behind, Bai Wenli finally couldn't hold back, violently. Drank out loud.

This violent shout shocked everyone in the box.

Guan Chuyi's jaw dropped to the ground even more shocked, Young Master Bai...why did you want to shut up?

"Young Master Bai, you..." Guan Chuyi couldn't help opening his mouth and wanted to ask again, but Bai Wenli gritted his teeth and opened his mouth in anger: "I told you to shut up, can't you hear?!"

Guan Chuyi fell silent for a moment. Sheng, although I don't know what happened, Bai Wenli's face is green, but he can't do it.

The sudden change in the situation immediately made everyone in the field confused, and everyone didn't understand why Guan Chuyi's big backing would make Guan Chuyi shut up.

When everyone was thinking about the story, Chen Feng smiled and said, "Young Master Bai, long time no see."

Long time no see? !

It was shocking.

Everyone had their mouths wide open, as if they could squeeze two eggs into it, and this dick who offended Chu Yi actually knew Bai Wenli? !

How is this going?

"Why are you here?!" Bai Wenli's forehead blue veins bulged, and he stared at Chen Feng, he couldn't think of breaking his head, and the person Chu Yi offended was actually Chen Feng!

If he had known that Chen Feng was here, he would not have come here if he was killed.

The person he least wants to see now is Chen Feng!

"Where am I going, I still have to explain to Bai Shao?" Chen Feng smiled faintly. It is not difficult to see from Bai Wenli's expression that Bai Wenli is very jealous of him now. Lao Zi of Bai Wenli should warn Bai Wenli not to provoke him. Yourself.

Listening to Chen Feng's slightly mocking tone, everyone in the venue was shocked again.

I thought that Chen Feng was only acquainted with Bai Wenli, but now it seems that the relationship between the two is more than that simple!

The two are likely to have a grudge!

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help taking a breath.

What kind of existence can be made with Bai Wenli and concealed with Bai Wenli?

Guan Chuyi's expression became scared, he is not stupid, he can naturally think of what others can think of.

Before he didn't understand why Bai Wenli asked him to shut up, but now he understands.

The stinky fish and shrimp he thought were probably not stinky fish or shrimp.

It's a prehistoric giant crocodile!

It is a prehistoric giant crocodile who is afraid of even Bai Wen Qu!

As Guan Chuyi thought, Bai Wenli was indeed very jealous of Chen Feng at this time.

Although he said before that he didn't care about Chen Feng, but when he met Chen Feng, he was still a little frustrated.

After all, since childhood, Chen Feng was the first man to make him suffer such a big loss.

And most importantly, his Lao Tzu's reaction.

As the largest jeweler in Zhonghai City, his Lao Tzu has been known as the King of Jewelry for more than ten years, and apart from the four great masters, there has never been anyone who can make him jealous.

Until I met Chen Feng.

Because of Chen Feng, not only did his old man dare not give him a head start, but instead wanted to confine him for 15 days.

Bai Wenli did not dare to think about the implications of this.

After taking a deep breath, Bai Wenli said in a deep voice: "Where is Mr. Chen going, naturally there is no need to explain to me."

No need to explain to me?

Hearing this obviously with a somewhat submissive tone, everyone's complexion changed again.

No one thought that Bai Wenli would be soft!

And also served so thoroughly!

There is no sign of hard lips!

At this time, Guan Chuyi's calf had already begun to tremble, and even a layer of cold sweat was coming out of his back.

He has overestimated Chen Feng's background as much as possible, but he still underestimated it, unexpectedly.

What kind of background is necessary for people who can make Bai Wenli not even dare to talk back, and just persuade them.

Guan Chuyi at this moment has all the desire to die.

"Really?" Chen Feng smiled slightly, Bai Wenli was quite familiar.

"Yes!" Bai Wenli gritted his teeth and said, although he was embarrassed to be soft to Chen Feng in front of so many people, he had to do so.

He can't afford to offend a character that even his Lao Tzu must be afraid of!

"Then what about him?" Chen Feng smiled, then turned his gaze to Guan Chuyi, whose calf was shaking.


has nothing to do with me!" Bai Wenli didn't even take a look at Chu Yi, and said flatly, "I am not familiar with him."

"Young Master Bai?!"

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Hearing this, Guan Chuyi's face paled, his back was frightened and he knelt down.

He didn't expect that Bai Wenli would be so decisive and would sell him.

Although it was for self-preservation, Bai Wenli didn't even mean it, which was too ruthless.


Bai Wenli glanced at Guan Chuyi in disgust. At this moment, the person he hates most is not Chen Feng, but Guan Chuyi in front of him!

If he didn't care about Chu Yi, he would never go out today, nor would he ever meet Chen Feng, the evil god.

Although Chen Feng looks like this, he won't be too embarrassed.

But after he returned, Bai Xiaotian would not let him go.

The original 15-day confinement might become two months!

At this moment, Bai Wenli couldn't wait to kill Guan Chuyi.

Looking at the disgusting and cold eyes of Shang Bai Wen Li, Guan Chuyi couldn't help but shudder. Now, he doesn't dare to pull Bai Wen Li into the water anymore.

At this time, if he chooses to pull Bai Wen Li into the water, then Bai Wen Li would probably kill Chen Feng first.

After some analysis of the electric light and flint, Guan Chuyi finally came to a conclusion that if he wants to survive at this moment, the only hope is still in Chen Feng.

"Shao Chen, be merciful!"

Guan Chuyi was very acquainted, and after knowing that the only hope of survival was on Chen Feng, he started to kowtow to Chen Feng with his nose and tears.

The floor was banged and banged, showing the degree of force.

After knocking his forehead to bleed, Guan Chuyi knelt on the ground again and began to slap himself wildly.


"Shao Chen, I was wrong, and I won't dare anymore."


"Shao Chen, I look down on people, but I don't know Taishan!"


"Shao Chen, I shouldn't mess with you, your lord has a lot, let me go."


"Shao Chen... …" In

just one minute, Guan Chuyi slapped himself a dozen times, and blood stains came out of the corners of his mouth.

Chapter: 423

There were many people in the box, so Bai Wenli did not see Chen Feng the first time after entering the box.

But Guan Chuyi had already begun to yell loudly at this time: "Dog bastard, get out of me!"

"Are you sure you want me to get out?" Chen Feng's playful voice sounded in the box.

Hearing this voice, Bai Wenli, who had originally looked carelessly, suddenly snorted in his heart, showing a bad premonition.

But Guan Chuyi didn't realize it at all, and still smirked to himself: "Hey, bastard, are you afraid of it?"

" If you are afraid , kneel down for Laozi, knock your head ten times, and let your woman Stay with Lao Tzu and Young Bai for one night. If they can comfortably serve Lao Tzu and Young Bai, maybe Lao Tzu can spare you..."

"Shut up!"

Behind, Bai Wenli finally couldn't hold back, violently. Drank out loud.

This violent shout shocked everyone in the box.

Guan Chuyi's jaw dropped to the ground even more shocked, Young Master Bai...why did you want to shut up?

"Young Master Bai, you..." Guan Chuyi couldn't help opening his mouth and wanted to ask again, but Bai Wenli gritted his teeth and opened his mouth in anger: "I told you to shut up, can't you hear?!"

Guan Chuyi fell silent for a moment. Sheng, although I don't know what happened, Bai Wenli's face is green, but he can't do it.

The sudden change in the situation immediately made everyone in the field confused, and everyone didn't understand why Guan Chuyi's big backing would make Guan Chuyi shut up.

When everyone was thinking about the story, Chen Feng smiled and said, "Young Master Bai, long time no see."

Long time no see? !

It was shocking.

Everyone had their mouths wide open, as if they could squeeze two eggs into it, and this dick who offended Chu Yi actually knew Bai Wenli? !

How is this going?

"Why are you here?!" Bai Wenli's forehead blue veins bulged, and he stared at Chen Feng, he couldn't think of breaking his head, and the person Chu Yi offended was actually Chen Feng!

If he had known that Chen Feng was here, he would not have come here if he was killed.

The person he least wants to see now is Chen Feng!

"Where am I going, I still have to explain to Bai Shao?" Chen Feng smiled faintly. It is not difficult to see from Bai Wenli's expression that Bai Wenli is very jealous of him now. Lao Zi of Bai Wenli should warn Bai Wenli not to provoke him. Yourself.

Listening to Chen Feng's slightly mocking tone, everyone in the venue was shocked again.

I thought that Chen Feng was only acquainted with Bai Wenli, but now it seems that the relationship between the two is more than that simple!

The two are likely to have a grudge!

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help taking a breath.

What kind of existence can be made with Bai Wenli and concealed with Bai Wenli?

Guan Chuyi's expression became scared, he is not stupid, he can naturally think of what others can think of.

Before he didn't understand why Bai Wenli asked him to shut up, but now he understands.

The stinky fish and shrimp he thought were probably not stinky fish or shrimp.

It's a prehistoric giant crocodile!

It is a prehistoric giant crocodile who is afraid of even Bai Wen Qu!

As Guan Chuyi thought, Bai Wenli was indeed very jealous of Chen Feng at this time.

Although he said before that he didn't care about Chen Feng, but when he met Chen Feng, he was still a little frustrated.

After all, since childhood, Chen Feng was the first man to make him suffer such a big loss.

And most importantly, his Lao Tzu's reaction.

As the largest jeweler in Zhonghai City, his Lao Tzu has been known as the King of Jewelry for more than ten years, and apart from the four great masters, there has never been anyone who can make him jealous.

Until I met Chen Feng.

Because of Chen Feng, not only did his old man dare not give him a head start, but instead wanted to confine him for 15 days.

Bai Wenli did not dare to think about the implications of this.

After taking a deep breath, Bai Wenli said in a deep voice: "Where is Mr. Chen going, naturally there is no need to explain to me."

No need to explain to me?

Hearing this obviously with a somewhat submissive tone, everyone's complexion changed again.

No one thought that Bai Wenli would be soft!

And also served so thoroughly!

There is no sign of hard lips!

At this time, Guan Chuyi's calf had already begun to tremble, and even a layer of cold sweat was coming out of his back.

He has overestimated Chen Feng's background as much as possible, but he still underestimated it, unexpectedly.

What kind of background is necessary for people who can make Bai Wenli not even dare to talk back, and just persuade them.

Guan Chuyi at this moment has all the desire to die.

"Really?" Chen Feng smiled slightly, Bai Wenli was quite familiar.

"Yes!" Bai Wenli gritted his teeth and said, although he was embarrassed to be soft to Chen Feng in front of so many people, he had to do so.

He can't afford to offend a character that even his Lao Tzu must be afraid of!

"Then what about him?" Chen Feng smiled, then turned his gaze to Guan Chuyi, whose calf was shaking.


has nothing to do with me!" Bai Wenli didn't even take a look at Chu Yi, and said flatly, "I am not familiar with him."

"Young Master Bai?!"

Hearing this, Guan Chuyi's face paled, his back was frightened and he knelt down.

He didn't expect that Bai Wenli would be so decisive and would sell him.

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Although it was for self-preservation, Bai Wenli didn't even mean it, which was too ruthless.


Bai Wenli glanced at Guan Chuyi in disgust. At this moment, the person he hates most is not Chen Feng, but Guan Chuyi in front of him!

If he didn't care about Chu Yi, he would never go out today, nor would he ever meet Chen Feng, the evil god.

Although Chen Feng looks like this, he won't be too embarrassed.

But after he returned, Bai Xiaotian would not let him go.

The original 15-day confinement might become two months!

At this moment, Bai Wenli couldn't wait to kill Guan Chuyi.

Looking at the disgusting and cold eyes of Shang Bai Wen Li, Guan Chuyi couldn't help but shudder. Now, he doesn't dare to pull Bai Wen Li into the water anymore.

At this time, if he chooses to pull Bai Wen Li into the water, then Bai Wen Li would probably kill Chen Feng first.

After some analysis of the electric light and flint, Guan Chuyi finally came to a conclusion that if he wants to survive at this moment, the only hope is still in Chen Feng.

"Shao Chen, be merciful!"

Guan Chuyi was very acquainted, and after knowing that the only hope of survival was on Chen Feng, he started to kowtow to Chen Feng with his nose and tears.

The floor was banged and banged, showing the degree of force.

After knocking his forehead to bleed, Guan Chuyi knelt on the ground again and began to slap himself wildly.


"Shao Chen, I was wrong, and I won't dare anymore."


"Shao Chen, I look down on people, but I don't know Taishan!"


"Shao Chen, I shouldn't mess with you, your lord has a lot, let me go."


"Shao Chen... …" In

just one minute, Guan Chuyi slapped himself a dozen times, and blood stains came out of the corners of his mouth.

Chapter: 424

This tragic scene immediately frightened everyone in the box.

Especially many of Guan Chuyi's classmates, at this moment, even dare not breathe.

No one would have thought that Guan Chuyi, who is always dazzling, would be reduced to the point where he would rely on slapped his head to save his life.

Li Le's expression is also extremely complicated.

Among the crowd, only he knew about Chen Feng and Guan Chuyi.

One is a small grassroots employee of Kangmei, and the other is a young man in Jiangdong with a net worth of billions.

It stands to reason that the situation has reached this point, and it should be a small employee of Kangmei Group who kneeled on the ground and begged for mercy.

However, the one who knelt on the ground and begged for mercy was Jiangdong, who was worth billions.

I have to say that this scene before him has subverted his worldview.

Compared with the shock of Guan Chuyi's many classmates and Li Le, Xiao Wei's expression was much calmer.

In her opinion, the person kneeling on the ground should be Guan Chuyi.

Because the person he faced was Chen Feng!

"I knew this before, why did it at the beginning?" Chen Feng shook his head and smiled, with a somewhat ironic tone. When Chuyi arrogantly made him kneel down before, I am afraid that this scene would not have happened.

It can only be said that the blame is on its own.

"Get off!" Chen Feng waved his hand tirelessly, and he didn't have anything to care about with Chuyi reptiles. He was really out of status.

"Thank you Chen Shao! Thank you Chen Shao! I'm going to get out! I'm going to get out of here!" Guan Chuyi looked like a pardon with joy, almost crawling out of the box.

Although the word that Chen Feng said was roll, at this moment, the word roll was the best sound of nature that Guan Chuyi heard.

After Guan Chuyi left, Bai Wenli's expression suddenly became a little complicated. After hesitating again and again, Bai Wenli gritted his teeth and said: "Mr. Chen, the previous matter was Wen Li's fault. I hope Mr. Chen will not remember the villain and don't care about Wen Li."

"The previous matter?" Chen Feng Somewhat wrong: "What happened before?"

Bai Wenli was taken aback for a moment, and then he realized that Chen Feng was saving face for him, and forgot about the previous events.

"Thank you Mr. Chen." Bai Wenli clasped his fists with some gratitude. He did not expect that Chen Summit was so magnanimous that he would not be so familiar with him.

Wan Funing, who was behind Bai Wenli, was also involuntarily relieved at this moment. With Chen Feng's words, Bai Xiaotian's side, he can explain, maybe Bai Xiaotian will lift the confinement of Bai Wenli because of Bai Wenli's actions. .

"You're polite." Chen Feng waved his hand and smiled. He is not the kind of person who likes to be aggressive. When Bai Wenli's clothes are soft, he will give Bai Wenli a step down.

Of course, the most important thing is that between him and Bai Wenli, there is actually nothing that cannot be resolved.

After Bai Wenli left, many of Guan Chuyi's classmates also followed.

"Brother Feng, then I'm leaving now." Li Le pulled out a far-fetched smile, his tone somewhat restrained.

Emperor Chen Fengyan swiped through a touch of insignificant complexity, then smiled and nodded: "Well, you go first."

After coming out of the box and going downstairs, Li Le discovered that none of the previous classmates had left. On the contrary, they gathered around one after another, with an extremely enthusiastic attitude.

"Li Le, what is your background for Brother Feng?"

"Brother Le, can you introduce Brother Feng to us?"

"That's right, Brother Le, you can be hidden, everyone is classmate after all. Those who can help, still have to help..."

"Brother Le, does Brother Feng have a girlfriend?"

At first everyone was called Li Le, but when someone called Le Ge, everyone changed their slang to Le Ge.

Li Le's look is complicated. In the past, this group of classmates, let alone call him Brother Le, is his real name Li Le. These people are too lazy to call him.

But now, these so-called classmates, called him Brother Le, are called more cordial than anyone else.

The reason these people are called that is of course not because of how awesome they are.

But because he knows Chen Feng.

His name is Chen Fengfeng.

"If I say that Brother Feng, like me, is just a small grassroots employee of Kangmei Group, do you believe it?" Li Le said with a complicated expression. To be honest, he doesn't believe it himself. Chen Feng's true identity is Kangmei Group. The grassroots employees.

"Li Le, you are a bit unkind."

"That's right, Li Le, you should be decent if you lie. The person who can make Guan Chuyi kowtow to beg for mercy will be just a grassroots employee of Kangmei Group. ? " "

More than tube Chu Yi, and Bai oak, oak Bai was afraid peak brother, I even have a feeling, Bai oak before being peak brother to pack too. " "

I have this feeling, I think, Bai oak

I'm very afraid of Brother Feng." "My dear, even Bai Wenli is afraid of him. Who is the son of that brother Feng? Could it be that the four big guys..."

Speaking of the four big guys, the look of Chuyi's many classmates was obvious. Become excited.

As a native of China Shipping, no one knows better than them what the four major members of China Shipping mean.

It can be said that even one dog among the four people is enough to make them look up, let alone a living person?

"Brother Le, you have developed in the future, you can't forget us."

"That's right, Brother Le, if you develop in the future, you can help us old classmates more."

Seeing that Li Le didn't seem to want to reveal too much information about Chen Feng, no one asked any more, but the attitude towards Li Le was a thousand times better than before.

After all, Li Le came close to a super thigh that seemed to be the heir of the four great families.

It can be said that as long as Li Le wants to, the rich side will not be a problem in the future.

Reflecting Guan Chuyi, the original Guan Chuyi, everyone must revolve around him.

But after this incident, everyone would stay away from Guan Chu Yi as long as they were not stupid.

After all, Guan Chuyi offended Chen Feng. In case Chen Feng wants to retaliate against Guan Chuyi on a whim, then they who came close to Guan Chuyi will suffer.

Seeing everyone greet each other one after another, Li Le couldn't help sighing and shook the car keys in the handshake.

The sign of this car key is Audi A6. He borrowed it from Chen Feng before. He wanted to borrow Chen Feng's Audi A6 to support himself.

But unexpectedly, no one cared what car he drove when he arrived at the classmate meeting.

On the contrary, it was Chen Feng, who got the attention of everyone by mistake, and it could even be said that he was flattering.

This result was something Li Le had never expected before.

"Check out, Manager Huang." In

Jiang Manlou, Xiao Wei smiled and said, she is the host today, this meal should be invited by her.

But after she said, Manager Huang's complexion changed drastically, and even a little frightened: "Miss Xiao is serious, it's too late for us, Jiang Manlou, to pay you, so how can we dare to collect your money."

Chapter: 425

"Apologize?" Xiao Wei was a little surprised. This manager Huang's attitude was so humble, how could he make himself like a bully.

"Ms. Xiao, Mr. Chen, I was intimidated by Chu Yi before, so I did that kind of stupid behavior. Miss Xiao, Mr. Chen, you two adults have a lot of them. It seems that I still have a family to support. For good reason, just spare me once, I promise, I will never..." Manager Huang said, there was even a cry in his voice.

Xiao Wei was a little bit dumbfounded, and she reacted. The reason why Manager Huang did this was because she was afraid that Chen Feng would care about what he had done before, and that Chen Feng would settle accounts with him.

"Okay, Okay, Manager Huang, don't say anything, I won’t check it out, can’t you?" Xiao Wei interrupted Manager Huang somewhat helplessly. She was afraid that Manager Huang would continue speaking. Manager Huang is a big man. Will cry on the spot.

"Thank you, Miss Xiao!"

"Thank you, Mr. Chen!"

Manager Huang burst into tears of joy. The meaning of Xiao Wei's words was obvious, and he was not familiar with him.

This means that he escaped this disaster.

In just one minute, Manager Huang's face changed a few colors like a juggling, all of which was easily seen by Chen Feng.

In this regard, Chen Feng did not find it funny, Chen Feng only felt a little complicated.

He can understand Manager Huang's mood like riding a roller coaster. In Manager Huang's eyes, a character like him can completely determine the existence of ordinary life and death.

Although his manager Huang is the manager of Jiang Manlou, he is regarded as a middle class in society, but in front of the existence that can make Guan Chuyi kneel down and beg for mercy, his manager Huang is a joke.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Chen Feng wants him to die for the third watch, he will definitely not keep the fifth watch.

This is the sorrow of the little man, you never know, tomorrow or accident, which will come first.

Chen Feng sighed. In his eyes, Manager Huang was indeed just an insignificant little person.

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But in the eyes of some people, is Chen Feng a trivial person?

After leaving Jiangmanlou, Chen Feng raised his wrist, glanced at his watch, and found that the time had come to ten o'clock in the evening.

"I'll send you back to school." Chen Feng paused. It was so late that Xiao Wei and Hu Siyuan were asked to go back alone. He was a little worried.

Chen Feng was about to stop the car, but Hu Siyuan smiled and said: "No, Brother Feng, I'm driving, I will send Xiao

Wei and the others back." After speaking, Hu Siyuan took out a black car key from her bag. Tap it once.

On the roadside, a big red Lamborghini urus with Su E0000 license plate rang.

Chen Feng pondered a little, and then smiled slightly: "Okay, trouble you."

"No trouble." Hu Siyuan shook her head, as if thinking of something, she smiled again and said: "Yes, Brother Feng, it is convenient to add one. WeChat?"


Chen Feng was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said: "Of course it's convenient, let me scan you."

"Okay." Hu Siyuan nodded, took out his phone, and opened his QR code. .

Chen Feng scanned it, and then Hu Siyuan's WeChat business card popped up on the phone interface.

The avatar is a very ordinary pet cat avatar, and the nickname is Sailor Moon, everything is plain.

Of course, Chen Feng didn't even think about it. He only used a WeChat to judge Hu Siyuan's general history.

Hu Siyuan's true identity and purpose need to be dig deep by himself.

Based on the information in front of him, it is impossible to determine whether Hu Siyuan's intention is good or bad.

After watching Hu Siyuan and Xiao Wei leave, Chen Feng also took a taxi back to the hotel.

As soon as he arrived at the door of the hotel, Chen Feng saw Chen Zeli with a happy face.

"Uncle Chen, you can count as coming back!" Seeing Chen Feng, Chen Zeli's face was full of joy.

"What's wrong? Is there any happy event happening?" Chen Feng smiled slightly.


"Uncle Chen, there is a happy event!"

"There is a great happy event!" Chen Zeli danced excitedly.

"What a great happy event?" Chen Feng was taken aback for a moment, and then his expression became weird: "It's not... Huang Lao San broke through?"

"Uncle Chen, how did you know?" Chen Zeli's face was full of astonishment. .

Chen Feng's expression turned weird again. He just said casually. He didn't expect Huang Laosan to really break through.

"Where is Huang Lao San now?" Chen Feng couldn't help asking, Huang Lao San's breakthrough was indeed a happy event, but also a major event.

Huajin and Anjin are completely two realms!

The martial artist will be called the master of martial arts after stepping into Huajin. In this era when the master of martial arts is not obvious, the master of martial arts will be the real top of the world!

"Master is now upstairs adapting to the realm." Chen Zeli said, Huajin and Anjin are completely two realms. Huang Laosan has just broken through to Huajin, so naturally it will take some time to adapt.

Chen Feng nodded gently: "Take me up."

"Okay." A

few minutes later, Chen Feng came to Huang Laosan's suite.

The moment Chen Feng pushed the door, Huang Laosan opened his eyes, and he could clearly see that Huang Laosan at this time was much younger than Huang Laosan before. Among them, his hair was the most obvious. Huang Lao-san's hair is all white, but now Huang Lao-san's hair is black, and it looks like a well-maintained middle-aged man.

"Hey, boy, I have broken through." Seeing Chen Feng, Huang Laosan showed a familiar smirk again, which made Chen Feng relieved. It seems that Huang Laosan's temperament has not changed much. .

Some warriors break through from dark energy to transform energy, their mood will change drastically, and even their temperament will change drastically, Huang Laosan is not included.

"When and how did you break through?" Chen Feng ignored Huang Laosan's show off, but asked two questions in a row. Before downstairs, he looked so weird because he didn't expect it. , Huang Lao San will break through so quickly, and there is no sign, no movement, completely not in line with the breakthrough law of the martial artist.

You must know that Huajin is a threshold that crosses all warriors. Generally speaking, it takes at least dozens of days for a warrior to break through Huajin, adjust his own breath to the best, and let the spirit of spirit enter a perfect state. Be able to prepare for breakthroughs.

When breaking through, it is best to have a dedicated person to protect the law, only in this way, the warrior will calm down and break through with all his strength.

But Huang Lao San, neither prepared in advance, nor anyone to protect him, but he broke through like this, and Chen Feng was not surprised.

Chen Feng seems to know what the general was thinking, Huanglao three Hey smile, spoke: "If I say, I just slept in the afternoon, and then woke up on the break, boy you believe it?"

Looked at Huanglao Chen Feng was speechless for a moment with his trivial expression.

He didn't want to believe it, but Huang Laosan's humble expression couldn't help but not believe it.

Chapter: 426

It is very possible that this old thing really slept, and then broke through to Huajin, Chen Feng thought a little speechless.

"What are your plans next?" Chen Feng asked, Huang Laosan, who had broken through to Huajin, could go back to Malaysia alone, with Kagong and Lu Dongxiong, and then rebuild the Chinese Gang.


Huang Laosan paused, then glanced at Chen Feng, and sighed: "I originally planned to return to Malaysia to be a native emperor, but your kid seems to have been in a little trouble recently, which made me again. I don't want to go anymore."

"Then don't go." Chen Feng said with a smile, not being polite to Huang Laosan.

Right now is indeed his time for employment.

After coming to Zhonghai for just half a month, he provokes too many enemies, Jin Jiazong, Wang Family, Song Family, Shenyin... these are all the most important forces in the world.

It is indeed difficult to stop him alone.

Huang Laosan broke through to Huajin, just in time to help him.

"Okay, I won't leave." Huang Laosan readily agreed. He and Chen Feng had a life-long friendship. Even if Chen Feng didn't say anything, he would not leave Zhonghai this time.

"By the way, Ali, do you and Gillian have time these days? If you have time, help me secretly protect someone." Chen Feng turned his gaze to Chen Zeli again.


"Who to protect? Uncle Master, just say it straight." Chen Zeli said with a grin.

"Lin Wanqiu."

"Lin Wanqiu?" Chen Zeli was stunned. Huang Lao San was also a little surprised. He obviously didn't understand why Chen Feng wanted to protect Lin Wanqiu. What danger could Lin Wanqiu have?

"Boy, did someone stare at that girl?" Huang Laosan couldn't help asking. Lin Wanqiu had met once. She was just an ordinary little girl. Apart from being more beautiful, she had no other characteristics, but even if someone stared It's impossible to send two warriors to protect her. Did Chen Feng make a fuss?

Chen Feng shook his head: "I'm still not sure if anyone is looking at her, but... She has a big secret, I must be careful."

"A big secret?"

"Well, Lin Wanqiu may be with some A grandmaster is related..." Chen Feng re-told the previous incident on the Riverside Bridge. Although Lin Wanqiu had grandmaster-level energy on his body, it was top secret, but there was nothing to conceal from the likes of Huang Laosan and Chen Zeli. Necessary.

"Grandmaster-level vigor!"

After listening to Chen Feng's words, Chen Zeli couldn't help taking a breath. Huang Lao San's expression was also very solemn. He did not expect that the seemingly ordinary Lin Wanqiu would have such a big secret in him. .

It now appears that Chen Feng's decision to let Chen Zeli and Chen Zejiao secretly protect Lin Wanqiu was wise, and it was definitely not a fuss.

Lin Wanqiu, who can be treated so carefully by the master, will certainly not be easy.

The grandmaster behind Lin Wanqiu could completely turn Lin Wanqiu into a martial artist, but he did not choose to do that. Instead, he silently protected Lin Wanqiu by instilling grandmaster-level vigor.

There may be only one reason for that master to do this, that is, he wanted to protect Lin Wanqiu, but at the same time, he didn't want Lin Wanqiu to be targeted by people from the martial arts world.

"Uncle Chen, don't worry, Gillian and I will protect Wanqiu. If someone wants to be against Wanqiu, unless they step over the bodies of Gillian and me." Chen Zeli patted his chest to assure that Chen Feng could take such a top secret matter. Tell him that he obviously trusted him to the extreme. In any case, he must be worthy of Chen Feng's trust.

"It's not necessary." Chen Feng shook his head: "If that's the point, the only thing you and Gillian need to do is to survive, and then send the news to me as soon as possible."


"If someone is really against Wanqiu, that person's strength may not be able to stop you and Gillian, so you don't have to work hard, all you have to do is to send me news." Chen Feng said, Ruo Zhen Someone shot against Lin Wanqiu, and the person who shot was at least at the level of the late stage of An Jin, and Chen Zeli and Chen Zejiao were definitely not able to stop them.

In fact, it is not so much that Chen Zeli and Chen Zejiao secretly protect Lin Wanqiu, it is better to say that he put a siren next to Lin Wanqiu, and once Lin Wanqiu has any accident, he will know the first time.

Not that Lin Wanqiu disappeared someday, he didn't know anything, only his eyes were dark.

"Uncle Chen is right. If someone really wants to attack that girl, you can't stop it with your brother and sister's two-legged cat skills. So don't do it recklessly. You have to judge the situation, you know?" Huang Laosan said in a deep voice.

"I see, Master." Chen Zeli shrank his neck. Huang Laosan and Chen Feng had both said so, and he would naturally become more mindful.

"Well, Wanqiu will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. After she is discharged, the two of you will go with her to Zhonghai University to protect her secretly."

"Besides...Don't let her know about this matter for the time being, so as not to burden her." Chen Fengdun After a pause, Lin Wanqiu herself probably didn't know that she was related to a certain grandmaster. Of course, she didn't need to know. Knowing it would only increase the pressure.

Royal One, the top villa area in Zhonghai.

Most of the villas here are ultra-luxury single villas of 1,000 square meters. The price of villas starts at least 200,000 per square meter.

If you want to buy a villa in Royal One, you need to start at least 200 million yuan.

Two hundred million, for ordinary people, is naturally a sky-high number.

But in China Overseas Financial Center, the 200 million people that can be used, it is everywhere. Take the Royal No. 1 villa area as an example. Within two months of completion, 49 villas were rushed for sale. It's empty, and most of them are full.

In the words of the security guard in the Royal No. 1 villa area, the Shenhao who lives in the Royal No. 1 is not bad for money. In the eyes of others, spending 200 million to buy a villa is nothing like ordinary people for 200,000 to buy a car. the difference.

Ordinary people drive 200,000 cars, and the Shenhao of the Royal No. 1 villa area needs to drive higher-end cars.

In the garage of the villa, global limited edition luxury cars such as Ferrari Enzo and Rolls-Royce Phantom can be seen almost everywhere.

Just take out one, it is a luxury car of ten million.

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But tonight, a big red Lamborghini urus drove into the Royal One Villa area.

Compared with the tens of millions of luxury cars that can be seen everywhere in the villa area, this Lamborghini urus with a sale price of only more than three million looks very unfamiliar, and it can even be said that it is a bit dick.

But it was such a car that made the security guards of Royal Villa No. 1 respectfully pay attention.

Nothing else, just because the owner's father is the developer of Royal Villa One.

All villas in Royal One were developed by others.

If Chen Feng is here, he must be able to recognize that this big red Lamborghini driving into the Royal No. 1 villa area is the one that Hu Siyuan drove before.

Chapter: 427

After going around for a while, the big red Lamborghini stopped in front of a villa.

This is a villa with a European-style decoration style. The area of ​​the villa is more than 1,000 square meters, almost the same as the manor.

After Hu Siyuan got out of the car, she walked into the villa blankly.

In the living room of the villa, a middle-aged man who is over 40 years old, with a tall skeleton and slightly sunken eye sockets, seems to be sitting with his eyes closed.

After Hu Siyuan entered the door, the middle-aged man seemed to have a reaction, and opened his eyes,

"See him?"

"Go back to my father, I saw it." Hu Siyuan stopped, bowed slightly, and spoke respectfully.

"How?" the middle-aged man asked with a slightly indifferent tone, raising his eyelids.

After pondering for a while, Hu Siyuan said solemnly: "At present, he doesn't seem to have anything brilliant."

"Oh?" The

middle-aged man raised his mouth, glanced at Hu Siyuan with some playfulness, and asked: "You don't treat him well. Satisfied?"

"Don't dare." Hu Siyuan trembled, seemingly afraid of middle-aged men.

The middle-aged man shook his head and smiled: "Siyuan, I want to tell you one thing for my father today. Sometimes, it's not good, but it is often good."

"" Hu Siyuan frowned and wanted to ask. What did the Nian man say, but when the words reached his lips, she swallowed it back.

And the middle-aged man obviously didn't mean to explain Hu Siyuan's confusion. He smiled and continued to speak: "Siyuan, my father should have told you that if there is no mistress, there is no Hu's family now."

"Yes, father. You said it before." Hu Siyuan bowed again and spoke respectfully. Outsiders thought that the reason why the Hu family was able to sit firmly on the top of Suzhou's richest family was because of the man in front of him named Hu Jinghai, but only the people in the Hu family knew that, Hu The position of the No. 1 giant in Suzhou has nothing to do with Hu Jinghai!

The Hu family’s current status was given by that woman!

Including Hu Jinghai's status as the former richest man in Suzhou!

Without that woman, there would be no Hus in the world, and the richest man in Suzhou would not have anything to do with Hu Jinghai!

Seeing that Hu Siyuan hadn't forgotten her roots, Hu Jinghai nodded in satisfaction, but then he sighed again: "Before the mistress left, she entrusted the young master to be the father, but for the father... betrayed the mistress. The young master’s entrustment, the young master has suffered a lot in Cangzhou in recent years."

"Father, the mistress will not blame you. The young master left Cangzhou and entered the Zuixia family. No one thought that he would join you. It doesn't matter much." Hu Siyuan said calmly. After Su Zhaoxi died in Yanjing, Hu Jinghai was already ready to go to the Chen family, but in the end the Chen family broke the news that Chen Feng had already left Yan by himself. Beijing.

A few months later, news of Chen Feng's entry into Zuixia's family reached Hu Jinghai's ears.

Undoubtedly, Hu Jinghai was taken aback at the time. He would never have thought that Chen Feng would choose to be a son-in-law when he was killed.

It's simply the best of the world!

Chen Feng's sudden admission not only disrupted Hu Jinghai's deployment, but also shocked the Chen family and gave up the idea of ​​removing Chen Feng from the grass.

At that time, everyone thought that Chen Feng entered the Zuixia family to save his life.

However, various signs later showed that Chen Feng entered the Zuixia family because of Xia Mengyao.

"The past is not important anymore." Hu Jinghai shook his head.

Immediately he looked at Hu Siyuan with scorching eyes: "Siyuan, I have failed my mistress once, and I don't want to betray her a second time."

"Do you understand?"

"I understand, father!" Hu Siyuan nodded seriously. The meaning of Hu Jinghai's words is obvious, he must do his best to help Chen Feng!

Even if Chen Feng is trapped in a huge whirlpool now, even if the Hu family is involved, he has to help!

"Just understand." Hu Jinghai nodded slightly, and then sighed again: "Siyuan, the situation is more complicated than you think. This is a major reshuffle of all the old forces in China Shipping. The young master is involved. If you are not careful, you will be crushed."

"The foundation of our Hu family is in Suzhou. There are not many that can help the young master."

"The only thing we can do is to do our best. The young master needs help most. When you are in trouble, you can help him so that he won't become a target."

"I understand, father." Hu Siyuan's expression is a little complicated. Hu Jinghai's move is tantamount to pushing the Hu family to the forefront.

Before, not many people in this world knew that the Hu family was related to Chen Feng, including Chen Feng himself.

Therefore, even if Hu Jinghai did not help Chen Feng, no one would make irresponsible remarks to the Hu family. At most, Hu Jinghai would feel a little guilty in his heart.

But now...

"This is the key to Villa No. 1. In a few days, you find a suitable opportunity and give it to the young master." Hu Siyuan's meditation did not last long, because Hu Jinghai took out a bunch of strings from her pocket. The key interrupted her contemplation.

"Okay, father." Hu Siyuan nodded and took the key from Hu Jinghai.

Villa No. 1 is the best and largest building in the entire Royal No. 1 villa area, with a market price of nearly 500 million!

The area of ​​Villa No. 1 is 1,500 square meters!

It is more than 500 square meters more than the area of ​​Villa No. 2 where she and Hu Jinghai live.

Hu Jinghai's intention to hand over the key to Villa No. 1 to Chen Feng is obvious. From now on, the Hu family will respect Chen Feng and Chen Feng will look forward to it!

At this moment, Chen Feng, who was in the Jintai Hotel, did not know that Hu Jinghai had prepared such a gift for himself.

All Chen Feng's thoughts were on Shi Pojun's phone.

"Xiaofeng, Jin Jiazong did send someone to rob prisoners!" On the other side of the phone, Shi Pojun's tone revealed an unusual excitement.

Chen Feng's previous strategy worked!

After learning that the Japanese swordsmen would be taken to the headquarters of the Yanjing War League for interrogation, Jin Jiazong panicked! Three full dark forces were sent to hijack the prison car on the halfway in the late stage!

But this time, Jin Jiazong made a mistake!

The Japanese swordsman in the prison car had long been replaced by Shi Pojun into an early stage of energization!

Undoubtedly, the Jin Jiazong's three secret forces in the late stage, hit the gun, almost without a chance to resist, they were subdued by the Tianluodiwang of the Zhan League.

"Where are they now?" Chen Feng was also a little excited. After subduing the Japanese swordsmen before, he thought about how to dig out the Jin Jiazong through the Japanese swordsmen.

In the beginning, his plan was to pry open the mouths of the Japanese swordsmen and let the Japanese swordsmen explain themselves.

But the rigidity of the Japanese swordsman's mouth was beyond his imagination.

In desperation, he came up with an idea.

Since the Japanese swordsman's mouth can't be opened, then find a way to make Jin Jiazong jump out by himself.
