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Who are you My Husband (Chapter 531-537) (ReadMe)


  1. Why did you stop halfway.. Chase didn't get to battle with the league, cleaners, and devils they are still at the 3rd space field there's still 2nd space field and the center of the universe why!!!!! 😭😭😭😭 You should continue this please. 🙏🙏💔💔💔💔💔

  2. Whaaaaaat you just end it this way you don't even tell what happen to the first people that left earth and you didn't let us know what is the alliance and devil and cleaner's are so disappointing!!!!

  3. Hahaha! Thanks for making me awake till early morning! God bless!

  4. This is a terrible end indeed. A lot of loop holes.

  5. Very interesting and nice novel almost a year now finally it's paused...i will say it's paused because of yhe mentioning of space fields... would like to read the next chapters...


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