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Dish Best Served Cold Chapters 2671-2680 (Chinese Translated)


  1. I'm upset, did he really sleep with yu yun? So to say he betrayed mucheng now, not good

    1. Its not like he wanted to. It was an accident. He didnt know about it.

  2. Man.. This twist of fate for Ye Fan and Yu Yun will. Be difficult to solve..

  3. Im happy they slept together, a martial artist is powerful and can have more then one wife, they really love each other

  4. Ye fan finally did it. But at what cost ? We'll find out maybe in the next 500 chapters ?

  5. I am disappointed too, Ye Fan is not faithful to Mu Cheng he has unresolved feelings for Yu Yun that's cheating

  6. my only question is how old is YuYun?

  7. I hope yu yun will not be pregnant!!:

  8. Im so upset that something happened to yu yun and ye fan.. i feel sorry for mucheng, and what will happen if mucheng find out and what if yu yun got pregnant? Haisssttt i wanna kill ye fan hahahha

  9. So disappointing. This author doesn't seem to have any plan for Mucheng's character. Just a useless character where every woman around him are much better than her. Better kill her character than trying to imply that maybe she's not the Female lead for Ye Fan.


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